OVD update...he's out and the disaster

 Hey Everyone,

   Thanks for getting the word out on my GoFundMe and chipping in. It means the world to me to know there are still good folks like you out there. Thank you. Here's the link again for those that need it 


Gilbert left today without a word. He left the front door wide open and his room door. So I closed the front door and looked in the room. It looked like he had at least one more load. So I waited to see if he would return...he hadn't so I looked deeper and found the key. So he left a mess and a bunch of stuff I need and want gone. I already have 3 prospects for February that want to see the place...one tomorrow...I need help. I'll try to patch some local help out Jo and John will lend a hand if they are free. But I could use an able body or too and you can take anything you want left over. Here's some examples of what I'm locking at ...plus scrubbing the walls and cleaning the floor. That fucking heater is why my bill sky rocketed last month too. I'm furious. Anyways....end rant/update



  1. It really sucks having a shitty roommate. I really hope you get a decent one soon.

    1. I have 3 interested but i have to dump all this shit and clean the room first and it's raining so i can hardly move.

    2. Damn, son, you need something to go your way soon. Life can be a hard bitch but everyone deserves a few breaks.

    3. My whole life has been rough...no way I get a break that wasn't created by myself or my friends.

  2. Sorry I missed your call and text last night, fn wicked migraine. Saw the pic, thankfully he's gone. How's the GoFundMe going, I'll touch base with you later today Maria...Keith Richards fn rocks 😂😂😂

    1. He's gone and I cleaned it and tossed all the shit he left.

    2. Now not only worst headache ever, I've got a fn fever, my daughter's going to come test me tomorrow, talk to you soon. Room looks great..Maria Keith rocks 😂

  3. Whitetail's still team Otto 🤪❤

    1. I love how he perks up to hearing my voice on the phone


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