Reality and the great calm

 Hey Everyone,

  So reality is I'm not going to find a room mate in time. Swords to plowshares isn't going to help and I'm done asking my friends for help. It kills me inside every time I have to do it. So I'm just not going to. 

  This means I will have to give my thirty days(I paid my last months rent when I moved in) at the start of the month and have 28 days to give away my shit. The art and non essential things are available the first. If you want something specific grab it fast. The last week I'll give away the essentials including my computer and phone. I will probably spend the month drinking and eating since I won't have rent to suck up all my money. Then I'll take the long walk and you'll never have to be bothered by me again. 

  Now that this reality has sunk in I feel calm. I should have done this thirty years ago and avoided all this pain. 



  1. I'm sorry that you feel that this course is your best one. I have no words for you though. I know what it's like to live in pain every day. It wears you down where it's hard to do any of the things that used to seem so easy. When once you felt you could do anything.

    1. add starvation and constant living stress and no hope.

    2. and it's really the only choice...either that or die of exposure on the streets. Screw that.

    3. Constant stress and no hope would wear anyone down to nothing.

    4. I've been fighting this for 30 years. Everyone I knew from then is dead and has been for years and decades. I only lasted this long is my stubbornness and as a way to say Fuck you to the system that does this.

  2. Forget about it you're not going anywhere, we'll figure this shit out Maria and Whitetail πŸ’”


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