Truth Bomb by OVD : Why Merrick Garland needs to be fired ASAP

 Hey everyone,

  So today topic is why the AG of the United States Merrick Garland should be fired today and replaced with a competent prosecutor. First we have to look at why Garland was picked by Obama to be on the Supreme Court and then Biden for AG. He was picked because he's a rather neutral guy(non political) and neither side should be against that. He should have gotten the SCOTUS seat but would have filled it as a spineless autocrat. Garland doesn't make waves. So now he's the Attorney General and has a year to prosecute the Jan 6th  criminals. All of which are on tape and obviously guilty...from Trump to every politician voting against certifying the election to the idiots that stormed the capital. These cases should have taken days...not a year. Lets look at Trumps call to the secretary of state for Georgia as an example. Trump called him...threatened him and ordered him to cheat and find him votes. All of this was recorded and we all heard it. This violates both state and federal laws. The evidence is there in both tapes, transcripts and witnesses. If you or I did this we would have been in prison within a month or less. Yet NOTHING has been done. He's barley prosecuted the idiots that stormed the capital...and then he lessened the charges and gave slaps on the wrist...for TREASON and SEDITION let alone the violence and destruction of  government property. He has utterly failed to defend Democracy and our Republic in it's greatest time of need. He should be fired in disgrace publicly and replaced with a hardcore prosecutor that starts charging them all...starting with Trumpty Dumpty himself. They could all be in prison in a month...again the irrefutable evidence is there. These are all slam dunk cases. Please call your representatives and Senators and demand garland be fired and replaced. We've wasted to much time already and Fascism is knocking on the door and it has a battering ram. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


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