TruthBomb by OVD : America is a lawless state

Hey Everyone,

  So like you I see countless  articles about Republicans breaking laws to try to overturn the 2020 election. Obvious lawlessness that isn't being dealt with like Trump calling up Georgia's Secretary of State and threatening him to come up with more votes for Trump or suffer for it. Or State republicans making forged state documents saying they are the electors(they are not) and Trump won. These cases should be easy and slam dunks. Yet not a single one of these treasonous traitorous scum is behind bars yet. Not one. Which tells all the others they can do it and get away with it they are. If me or you did something close to that we'd be in prison so fast our heads would spin. This is why Americans and their allies are scared and gloomy. This shows Fascism will be here soon. If you don't prosecute these traitors then you might as well rip up the Constitution and end this Republic right now. Our society is literally based on the rule of law and this is lawlessness. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. Watergate was nothing compared to this bullshit. Nixon was an evil bastard, but even he managed to avoid threatening our entire Democracy. Our country is in more trouble now than I've ever seen.

    1. Yup...when you make Nixon and Bush W look good you know you're the most evil in the world.

  2. Hard to believe that a republican douche bag was elected as governor of Virginia, I fear for November elections, apparently we've learned not a fucking thing 😡

    1. I fear America will be fascist by 2024 as the world is collapsing from climate change anyways.

  3. Oh yeah that was me...👆 Maria


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