1883 Rating revised

 Hey Everyone,

  So a few weeks back I rated a bunch of shows and movies. One of them was "1883" a prelude to Yellowstone. It started off strong with Small pox, dysentery and lack of clean drinking water. The violence and lack of civility was as it should be...but then it got nicer. The women were treated as equals or better and the one black man has yet to deal with a single racist remark or incident even though there are confederates in their group and they are in the lawless west. I love the character but reality is gone. The worst was it became less a show of survival and real life in the late 1800's and more like "Emily went to 1883". It's all about the coming of age of a beautiful young woman with blond hair and big brown eyes. She's noticeably  pretty. And I'm all for young women's stories but she's be stoned to death by the Christian's for half of what she's said or done...let alone unwed intercourse and openly flirting with...well anyone she fancies including Native Americans...that would be a great modern story but in the 1800's she would have either ended up a whore or stoned to death...or even burnt at the stake.  So it's become more of a romantic phantasy of an attractive young woman. It still has some cool realities...like tornado's and river crossings but the story lost it's realism pretty quickly. It'll still entertain the bored but I now give it a 4 on a 1 to 10 scale. 



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