Otto Update

 Hey Everyone,

  So I'm still looking for a new room mate. I was going to repaint the room when I discovered many more holes in the walls and ceiling. So even though it's butt ass cold here(49 degree's now at noon) I patched them all myself this morning. The pain is off the charts. Tears are running down my face as I type this, bad. But I got it done. Since I've have zero help offered I will be painting it tomorrow as the patches will be dry enough. 

  On the Swords to Plowshares front...I've jumped through every flaming hoop except for a new Social Security card which I finally got an appointment for on March 10th and I have a ride locked on for that. They say they will cover this month and next and set me up for 60% relief payments after that. Of course talk is cheap and I haven't seen a dime so I'm a month behind already. Stress is mounting. But my landlords know the situation and are on board to help Swords make it happen. 

   Socially I haven't seen many folks. 3 in the last month and 2 were my local helpers that go to the store for me. The other was my old friend Nick Gardner. We ended up drinking 3 liters of whiskey and some beers. It took me two days to recover but it was a fun night. Otherwise I've been playing Battlefield 2042 which is still broken in many ways...but it's what I have. And watching TV. Vikings Valhalla dropped yesterday and I'm already half way through the 8 episodes. it's awesome. I highly recommend it. It's on Netflix. 

   I still have some food and weed but getting low on both. I also got more pot cookies. So I'm good that way. My clothing situation is getting dire. I can only wear sweat pants as regular pants hurt to much. And my current stock is threadbare to say the least. Of course that won't matter if Swords fails or I fail to find a new room mate. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. So thanks for the wonderful text, 😞 it's not like that at all. February was a terrible month for me, from putting Mr Whitetail down to attending the funerals of 2 friends, am still trying to get my bearings, if you're up to it I'll call you later this week, just need to regroup Peace Maria

    1. Sorry but when someone doesn't reply to any calls or texts from me for more than a month I figure they are upset at me over something. Especially when I'm trying to help emotionally and be supportive.

    2. But if you call I'll answer. Sorry for all your losses.

  2. The room is done. I will put out another Ad tomorrow and post it on a new update. My knee gave out and I took a nasty fall trying to paint the ceiling. I haven't even been able to get around my own house very well. Lots of screaming in pain.

  3. Sorry to hear you're in pain, great job on the room, it looks great. Yeah, I pretty much just shut down after last month, trying to get my shit together, talk to you soon Maria

    1. I'm always trying to "keep" my shit together as I live in a world of pain and misery. I look forward to hearing from you.


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