OVD update and new room ad listing

 Hey everyone,

  So I've been working with Swords to Plowshares to help with my rent. It's been an ordeal of jumping through hoops for various government agencies. Taxing and demoralizing as our government is broken. Covid has made that even worse. But they say they can pay this and next months rent and can assist with 60% for 2 years after that. Once all the flaming hoops are jumped through. So I'm kind of in limbo. What they say is nice but until it happens I'm falling behind in rent. I still trying to find a room mate and put up an new ad...here's the link 


If you know anyone looking that would be a good fit please have them contact me. Thanks. Please share it on social media as I can't

  The weather here turned really bad for Valentines as I said in my VD post but has warmed up so the pain is back to normal and I can get out of bed now. Also I did buy some food...I got tired of waiting on Swords and starving. Otherwise life is boring and lonely. I have a friend coming by next week to help me paint the other room so it's easier to rent. It's not bed but it needs it. If you'd like to help please contact me. It's a small room with no much in it so it shouldn't take more than an hour or two. 

  I'm trying to keep my spirits up and not stress out but could use some help in that regard. A Visit or phone call helps a lot. Thanks.

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 


  1. It would be fantastic if they come through for you. But waiting in Limbo has to have you stressed out.

  2. So I believe getting a new Social Security card is my last flaming hoop.

    1. I hope so. But bureaucracy can always come up with more hoops. Good luck.

    2. Yeah they do...this one has already but I've been on it as this isn't my first rodeo

  3. I really hope this goes through for you, what a relief it would be 🤞 sorry I've not been in touch, have taken a couple hard hits lately, got a call yesterday good friend passed, she was just here when I got back Friday 😒 will call you later this week, I'll text first. Hang in there my friend Maria & Fatboy and we're missing Whitetail big time 😢

    1. I'm missing Whitetail too...he was my phone kitty buddy.


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