Peacemaker...the surprise hit show of the year

 Hey Everyone,

  So as I get bored and have too much time on my hands because I'm disabled...I watch a lot of TV and Movies. You may have read some of my reviews in past blog entries. Every once in awhile something is so good it gets it's own post. Like "The Expanse". Well a show I had no hope for turned out to be fantastic. I Had seen the latest "Suicide Squad" and was not impressed. But the dark humor and the philosophy is off the charts. It's very fun but makes you think(something I like to do, and I was uncool before it was cool to be The special effects are great for this kind of show...and the Dark super hero humor is better than even "The Boys". The writing is great and the acting phenomenal. And I haven't even got to the best part...which is also the best character...


Eagly is Peacemakers "pet" Eagle and steals the show. Trust me...after watching 5 minutes of Eagly, you will want an Eagly in your life. He's awesome in every way. And yes James Gunn is the director of this TV show. I highly recommend it. There are 8 episodes in this season...6 are out and so far each one gets better. I just watched the sixth and I'm a ball of energy now. It was so good. So many surprises. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. I've not seen it, didn't get power on until late last night, am in awful fn pain from chopping ice, what a mess, am taking meds and going to bed, will give you a call Sunday if you're gonna be around Maria & Fatboy 😴😴😴

    1. I'm glad you got power back at least. Call me when ever. I'm always home unless I'm at the VA being told they don't give give a crap and "Thanks for my service"


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