So mad at the VA right now

 Hey Everyone, 

so I headed to the federal building today to turn in my newest claim to up my disability so I can live like a human being...walked the 300 meters to the door only to find out they are closed and have new restricted hours. No email or letter from them ever. Now I'm in pain like a mfer and have to try again tomorrow. 



  1. I guess it is really too much to expect the VA to make anything the least bit easier.

  2. And there was no one there. I'm so pissed I'm about to explode

  3. I hesitate to ask, because I probably know the answer, but what are the chances of getting someone on the phone to get some information? Like when they might be open.

    1. I finally got a call back. The guy said he was inn the office...which I know is a lie. He gave me an address I can mail it too but that will defiantly not get processed. He said they can't even give a time fo0r the process as Claims are so far behind they are "losing" them...aka throwing them out like they did my last 3.

  4. That is so f'd up I've no words 😡 Maria hey text me when you get up today, please and thank you


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