Truth Bomb by OVD : Are the Trumps finally screwed?

 Hey Everyone,

  Remember watching Trump and gang commit 10 crimes a day and getting away with it. Up and to including his seditionist COUP attempt. And every time it's an outrage until his next crime. Well that's about to change. The accounting firm that does Trumps taxes just publicly dropped him and said his last 10 years of taxes and bank loans are fraudulent. This is all the DA in NY needs for her case. It should be a slam dunk. The best part is it won't just send Don the Con to prison but also his evil little crotch goblins Cocaine Jr, Eric and Ivanka. Tax fraud alone will get them all. I can't wait to see the perp walks on the news.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at large

Semper Fidelis 



  1. I really can't understand why he wasn't in prison years ago.

  2. If our AG doesn't go after him, fuck her, she's crooked as hell anyway. Not that it all falls at her feet, he's been bilking NYS for years and is a walking, talking, quid pro quoing Rico Act since the 80s so it's not like she doesn't have grounds. I tweet her his address in Florida whenever I'm on Twitter. Can't wait to get home Friday 😩 it's been a long 2 wks, talk to you this weekend, Mr Fatboy says thanks for the scratches 😁 Maria & Fatboy

    1. Yeah she should have him arrested now. They have more than enough evidence. Talk to then.


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