Truth Bomb by OVD : How to deal with Russia and Ukraine

 Hey Everyone,

So no one seems what to do as they wait for Putin to invade Ukraine. They hop economic threats will sway Putin away. This is the wrong approach. Putin's argument is that he doesn't want NATO to expand. Say Russia is being stopped from "growing" or Russia has a right to invade sovereign nations.

 So what I'd do as POTUS is simple. I'd start sanctions today. I'd let Ukraine join NATO and start putting troops in TODAY. Call Putin bluff and show we won't back down from his aggression. He will as no one wants a nuclear war and he'll want to end sanctions as Russia is already doing shitty economically and sanctions could lead to him being deposed or worse. Putin knows this. He's gambling on the wests response being measured and weak as it is so far. Putin was also counting on the Traitor Trump to still be in power and giving him the green light to invade. This didn't happen making his gamble even more perilous. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 



  1. Putin acts like he has the right to "annex" other countries. He really seems to miss the USSR.

    1. Just like Hitler and Stalin. I'd love to remind Putin about the winter war. 70,000 Finish and about 30k Norsk fought off 2.5 million Russians and killed about a million.

    2. That was impressive. They put up a helluva fight against terrible odds. They were fighting for their home against a monster.


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