Truth Bomb by OVD : Is the republican policy really nothing?'s so bad they won't say it

 Hey Everyone,

  So you'll see the Media talking about how the Republican Party has no policies. When asked what the hell is their policies will be if they win the midterms. Mitch McConnel answered "You'll find out when we win". They took that as "no policies" which is wrong. The reason the Republicans don't state any policies are idea's is because if they said them publicly they wouldn't get any votes except from Nazis. 

So what are their policies...I'll list them

1) Obstruct anything the Democrats try to do. For no other reason but to make them look bad. Even good things.

2) Fascism. Many are almost openly embracing ending Democracy and creating a Fascist state very similar to Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Italy. The last year of fighting against probes of the COUP attempt on Jan 6th and pushing things like jailing Hilary and killing her staff....I have no love for her but this is Nazi murderous talk. They want a full on Police state based on hate and bigotry.

3) Steal from the poor and give to the rich. This has been the Republicans platform since Reagan. They call it trickle down even though we all know money always goes up...not down. 

4) Open bigotry and Hate...again you've seen this for years.

5) Ignore Climate Change until we're all dead.

6) Science denying and promoting stupidity...again you've seen this for years.

7) Destroying public education and any government assistance to the working class. I sound like a broken record but've seen this for decades. The exception of course is bailing out the rich like Wall street and the Banks.

8) stopping all non-white immigration

9) Making Christianity in it's current form of evil and hate mongering, the national religion and forcing it on everyone at gun point. 

10) Doing away with any environmental protections and allowing big business to dump toxins anywhere they like.

I'm sure there's more but these policies is what they've been pushing for years and in some cases decades. The Media should be confronting this, but have failed America in every way possible.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis



  1. It seems to me that their policies have been the same for a long time, just as you say. They have just done this for so long it seems normal to their supporters and they are becoming bolder about making their agenda more obvious. Of course, they will still lie about the totalitarian parts of that agenda while projecting their worst sins onto their opponents.


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