Truth Bomb by OVD: Love is in the air and Putin loves war

 Hey Everyone,

  So I'm just going to come out and say it. I expect Russia to attack in the next few days. Instead of drawing down the Russians have increased their build up and sent most of their Navy to the Black sea. This operation is costing Russia money it doesn't have so they must be invading. It will cost them a lot more once it starts. Expect full embargo's from the West and NATO build up and Ukraine will become another Afghanistan for Russia. It will cost them tanks, planes and troops they can't afford not to mention the Russian people aren't backing this war. It will lead to Putin's downfall and hopefully we can westernize Russia and get them to join the rest of the free world. 

  The Russians will come in hard and fast and Ukraine and Kiev will "fall" but the guerilla war that happens right after that will be devastating to the conscripted Russian troops. Of course I support the people of Ukraine against this evil act of aggression. 

  Remember the mud factor too. In a few months the Russians will be bogged down and easy targets. I almost wish I was there to help. But I'm too old and broken.  I'll have to save my fight for the Nazi's in America.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. What I can't comprehend in all this is the Republican's support of Putin. WTF has happened to our country?

    1. They are Authoritarians. They just love strong evil leaders who tell them who to hate and what to do. Trumps public groveling to Putin helped out a lot too.

    2. The Ukrainian President just informed his Nation that he knows Russia will attack on the 16th(2 days).

  2. Russia started it's cyber attack today so expect air and ground forces to attack tomorrow.

  3. Russia is claiming they are pulling back their troops but all the real intel says they are sending more. They are up to 170,000 combat troops attack positions. I expect an attack within 24 hours.


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