Truth Bomb by OVD : The Ukraine situation

 Hey Everyone,

  So I've made many posts about this and have been right so far. So I'm taking a minute to break it down so everyone understands better.

 First of all this has nothing to do with Ukraine joining NATO and everything to do with Putin's quest to rebuild the former Soviet Empire. 8 years ago the Ukrainians had a revolution. Forcing the pro-Russian president to flee to Russia. the reason is, Ukraine wants to westernize. Living under Putin's yoke means secret police, shitty economics, cut off from the rest of the world and your resources and people are pillaged for Putin's use. Putin's plan was to test the west by taking Chimera and then the eastern provinces. When the west barley responded(Pointing to how Treasonous Trump was when he undid sanctions against Russia for Crimea ) it gave the green light to this up coming invasion in Putin's mind. And have no doubt, Putin will invade. Why is this a for sure. Let me explain. He has assembled over 190,000 troops on the border. This costs a ton of money Russia doesn't have. The Russians have set up field Hospitals with fresh blood(the will go to waste if not used). They have moved those troops out of the FOB's(Forward Operating Bases) into attack positions. Leaving them exposed to the elements and in position to attack fast. They would not have done this unless they plan to attack. It will cost money and lives(exposure as it's winter in Russia) to stay there. this is like being "in the bush" so to speak. Another sign is Putin's unreal demands. He knows NATO and the West could and would never do these things. Giving him another poor excuse to invade. The evacuation of civilians from the Russian held area's is another for sure sign. Again this cost money and isn't good for morale. One thing you have to Understand is Russia's economy is shit. It has been because of Putin and his Oligarchs taking everything and there isn't much to take. Oil money mostly. An other sign is Russia cyber attack on Ukraine's banks the other day. So in a nut shell...Putin planned all along to invade and now it would be to costly not to. 

  The good news. The Russian army is mostly conscripts(worse than a draft) and the Ukrainians are volunteers and their numbers have swelled to 250,000 in the last month. Most will become the backbone of Ukraine's guerilla campaign. They know Russian air superiority will give them a huge advantage on the normal battlefield but not in Urban or Asymmetrical warfare. And that's what the Ukrainians are setting up for. Ukraine is huge and forested. As the Nazis found out in WWII is you'll never control it completely and it will cost you men, materials, money and morale...daily. The Ukrainians have also been armed with Javelin Anti-Tank missiles and Stinger Anti-Aircraft missiles. Remember the Afghanis sent the USSR home from the use of about 20 stingers. Each aircraft lost is very pricey and a huge moral boost for the enemy. Tanks as well. Also Putin waited to long...because of climate change it's 40 degree's in Ukraine right now. That means the ground will thaw and...mud. Mud will slow or stop all the tanks, trucks anything that drives. I'm sure the Ukrainians have already mined the roads and bridges. So the Russian could end up sitting ducks in fields as Javelins are shot at them. Ooh-F*cking-Raa. Which means the Russians will have to use Helo's..and that's where the stingers will really hurt. Again Ukraine doesn't have to win a battlefield war. they just have to make it to costly for the Russians. My guess is the Ukrainian plan will be a stiff resistance at the points of attack with counter attacks. making use of their armor while they still have it. Costing the Russians many lives and equipment. The Russians won't expect counter attacks as they believe the Ukrainians will melt away. And why it would work well. It's what we use to counter "Blitzkrieg" tactics(now called "Shock and Awe"). Then as I stated they will take out the roads and bridges and start picking off Russians...melting into the woods if it gets to hot. The cities will be nightmares as air and tanks don't help and the Ukrainians are fighting for home and are willing to. Attacking an Urban area is what we call MOUT(Military On Urban Terrain)  warfare. You needs to go in with 10 to 1 odds and you'll probably lose 50%. While all this is happening the West's sanctions and funneling of weapons and money to Ukraine will all take a bigger toll. As I said earlier...Russia's economy sucks...add covid and this war and it collapses...while an unpopular war rages costing sons and daughters and now there's no food or hope...sound  familiar? Oh yeah...that's how the Soviet Union fell. And it was a lot stringer than present day Russia. This will end up costing Putin everything...including his life. He better not stand near any windows...or on any roofs....and skip the tea ;)

  Remember the Winter War also. When over a million Russians attacked Finland and it's 80,000 army and augmented by a bunch of us Norsk(20-30k) and we slaughtered them. Russia lost hundreds of thousands. 

I hope this helps. If you have any questions please ask. This is one of my area's of expertise. No question is dumb. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis

How to use and make bombs(IUD's) to kill Russians


  1. So Putin just mad a fiery speech and recognized to Ukrainian provinces as Independent. Violating International Law and the Cease fire agreement. The Tanks and planes will be rolling soon.

  2. 'Putin was asked what Russian historical event he would like to change.'

    "The collapse of the Soviet Union," Putin immediately shot back.'

    'Putin called the 1991 Soviet fall the "greatest geopolitical catastrophe" of the twentieth century.'

    1. "Listening to Putin’s rant makes absolutely plain that his problem was never with NATO or possible membership of 🇺🇦. It was always about the collapse of the USSR and the independence of Ukraine."

      Just a couple of quotes I've found that show people agree with your analysis.

    2. Yeah he's always wanted to rebuild the Soviet Empire. With him in charge of course. he's another petty dictator and easy to read.

    3. Someone did comment that one reason the USSR fell apart was that so many of the satellite countries were a drain on the overall economy, (not to mention their economic model was structured so poorly that productivity was laughable and bureaucracy weighed down every action even more than it does here) so he could very well be setting up a similar situation. Not that he cares so long as he is the rich and powerful new Emporer. Or whatever he chooses to call himself. It's obvious why he really wants Ukraine since it was long known as the breadbasket of Europe. Then there's the oil.

    4. Putin has now recognized pro-Russian areas of Ukraine, which gives him areas he can send troops to, in order to "support their freedom". Which complicates matters. I'm not sure how well that will go over with the homeboys and girls when Putin decides to 'annex' new territory and those folk express their displeasure with their neighbors with extreme prejudice. And a few Javelines, Stingers, etc.

    5. It doesn't complicate anything. He doesn't have that power and it's against International Law. This is the start of the Invasion. Period.

    6. and yes he wants the food and oil.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Complicated in that he is using it as an excuse to invade and the GOP is praising him, while Trump calls him brilliant. Of course, Trump is jealous.

    9. Trump works for Putin....didn't your see Helsinki. I thought the FBI would have arrested him then. Treason is Treason. Watchin the Republicans become more Treasonous doesn't surprise me at all.

    10. I can't believe that treason and collaboration with an enemy have become acceptable to one of our major political parties.


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