Truth Bomb by OVD : The War so far

 Hey Everyone,

 So everything is going just as I told you. The Ukrainians are putting up a good fight. I can't confirm this but the Ukrainians put out this list of The Russian war machines losses....

6 Helo's

30 Tanks

130 Armored vehicles(BMP troop Transports)

5 Airplanes 

3500 Russian troops

and a Platoon of Russians surrendered to the Ukrainians saying they didn't know why they were there. Remember most Russian troops are conscripts and have no want for war. 

  To put that in perspective that's more than we lost in the Gulf War(2 years) and this is day 2. Not bad for an out numbered out matched force. Then there was the 13 Ukrainians that were on Snake Island. A marine research lab. They held out against the Russian navy. The Russians told them to surrender and they promptly told the Russians to "Fuck Off". Now that's some hero level shit. Also as I said the weak Russian economy is ripe to fail when the sanctions kick in. In Moscow and St. Petersburg the Russian people are already protesting the war. In large numbers. When the sanctions hit and the bodies start coming back that number will grow vastly. This will be the end of Putin for sure. I expect to hear how he choked on his tea and fell off the roof ;)

  I hope you all understand this is the battle between Democracy and Authoritarianism. This is why some Republicans are siding with Putin. They are against Democracy. Make sure you call them traitors every chance you get.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis



  1. Some very brave Russians are protesting the war in Russia. I really hope the people defending their home really kick Russian ass. And that the conscripts continue to give in.

    1. Thousand have been arrested...which will cause more unrest

    2. and also shows how unpopular this is already in Russia

    3. This could be a huge misstep on Putin's part. I hope so. I don't know how much effect his traitorous support in the US will have.

    4. Oh, in Russia very clumsy people seem to fall out of windows. Defenestration.

    5. The press and more importantly the comedians are tearing both Putin and Trump apart on TV. It's great to see.

    6. Come...look at view...from vindow...see how far street is

    7. Russia told 13 Ukrainian troops to surrender. They replied, "go fuck yourselves".

    8. Ah, yes. I should have read through what you'd posted again before trying to post the link to the story.
      It's great that they stood up to the bastards but paid the highest price. And gave the Ukrainians some heroes. It's so frustrating to read and hear about what is happening when we are doing so little to help.

    9. The Ukrainians are doing remarkably well. The Russian offensive is losing stream, behind their schedule and they are running out of fuel and ammo. The longer they hold out the more "toys" we can ship over there. They took out a Russian Paratrooper transport today...over 100 on board. That's 100 families in Russia hearing about their son/daughters death over Putin's stupid illegal war. The protests have already started. This will be the end of Putin.

    10. I really hope you are right. Who would replace him?

    11. It would be similar to the fall of the USSR so either Russia could go towards democracy or get the next Putin/Stalin type.


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