Truth Bomb by OVD...another VD

 Hey Everyone,

  So I had prepared myself for another boring lonely VD (Valentines day) when yesterday I got a call from a beautiful woman I like hanging out with. She invited me over for a fire pit in her back yard with friends...but wanted me to show up early. Of course I said yes and got all excited. It was a great feeling...

...and then I woke up to clouds and 40 degree weather. So cold and humid I can hardly get out of bed. When she called to confirm today I had to decline as I can't even walk, let alone ride over to her place and hang pit or not. I offered for her to come over here but she wasn't interested anymore I guess.

  So another shitty...well even shittier VD for OVD. 
I hope yours is better than mine. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. Well, that really sucks. Cold weather is hell on people in chronic pain. I hope you're feeling better.


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