Truth Bomb : Tucker Carlson is a Traitor and a sexual predator

 Hey Everyone,

  So in the last few weeks everyone has been talking about Russia's getting ready to invade Ukraine with no legal reason. Just plan aggression for territory. Exactly like Hitler did in the 1930's. Everyone agrees Putin is the bad guy and needs to be stopped...except of course Tucker Carlson who is using his show to spread Russian lies and even sides with Putin. Aiding an enemy in their evil quest. As soon as the war starts Tucker should be arrested and put on trail for Treason. He's already proven he's a traitor to our republic by spreading disinformation about...well everything from Trumps loss in the election to Jan 6th being a "peaceful protest" to Covid and vaccines. Endangering millions of Americans and fighting publicly and actively against  Democracy and the rule of law. His latest is trying to sexualize AOC. He obviously has some twisted fantasy about her as he spouts his creepy crap on TV about her. Of course she shreds him when he does...but the point is it's sexual harassment publicly and he should be jailed for that too. He is nothing but a spoiled rich(Swanson Family) brat and racist with a love of Fascism and dictators. FOX keeping him on air is stupid as he could get them in a lot of hot legal water so to speak. He better hope he never runs into me in real life...just sayin'

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis

Tucker showing his penis size


  1. He's the worst but there are some colleagues of his that should be charged, and dealt with, alongside him. And Murdoch should join them.

    1. agreed or at least financially liable for the death the caused from anti-science bullshit.


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