Otto Update and room ad

 Hey everyone,

 So the holes are patched and the room is painted. Here's the new Ad...please spread it on Facebook and Twitter as I can't.

As for me. I'm still breathing but my knee gave out on me while trying to paint the ceiling and I fell...on the knee. It's extremely painful and I can hardly get around my own house. John aka Gunny FlusterCluck came over and helped finish it for me. I'm still waiting on Swords to plowshares but my landlords know the situation. I have an appointment on the 10th to file for a new Social Security card( stupid) and then they have everything they need from me. The Landlords say the mailed what was needed from them. So I gave Gunny his money back that he'd gave me to cover my rent. At this point it's two months rent so it wouldn't save me if Swords flopped anyways. But Swords to Plowshares or not I need a new room mate by the first or I'm screwed. I've had nothing but flaky kids answer my ad so far. Hopefully that will change. I'm almost out of smokable weed but got some hash today. I really need a decent bong. I've lost contact with some of my Russian friends so I'm worried about them. They are against Putin's brutal genocidal war of course. Right now Putin's evil minions are putting people in the Gulag's for 15 years for speaking out against the war in any way. Whether protesting or actual journalism. Not to mention Russia's economy is in freefall and everyone is fleeing. Hopefully they will make it to Finland or Norway. Remember the Russian people didn't start nor want this war. It's all the crazed madman Putin. And I'm starting to feel he wants WWIII. Which of course no one else wants. Some crazed suicide pact of evil as he's got to know by now this won't end well for him. And he's already paranoid. I hope someone shows him the great view from "Da Vindow" soon and we can repair Ukraine and help Russia become freer. Of course I would never publicly say that if I was still working for the Government(looks at Sen. Clutches Pearls). I'm also dealing with the warriors dilemma. Seeing what's happening in Ukraine makes me want to go there and take up arms. But I'm a cripple now so I'd just hold people back and I can give tactical advise from here(Ukraine...feel free to Email me at , You're doing a fine job but I could help make sun flower seeds grow from many more Russian corpses...ambushes are my bread and butter. I'm a master at it).

  So that's what's up in my world. I'll try to update you on Ukraine daily. As you know I've called it all perfectly so far. I know the Region and people on both "sides" and Tactics and Tactical analysis are another one of my super powers. I got out of the Marines because I will only use them for good. Not money not power not evil. Wow these pot brownies are super strong...I'm rambling. May the Gods watch over you and yours and the Glory to Ukraine. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at large

Semper Fidelis


  1. For those that did not know Ukraine is older than Russia...and has a much older culture....that was originally Viking. Kiev was the Capital for a big chunk of that time.

  2. My landlord is Ukrainian, only him and his daughters are here, rest of the family is still there 😔 no contact in a few days Maria #StandwithUkraine

  3. One of my Russian friends was finally able to get through to me. Him and his family are in shock. His family over there is fleeing to Finland before the new Iron Curtain springs up. He's fine and here in America...phew...and coming over to visit Friday so I'll have a in depth post by Saturday of what's going on over there.

    1. Oh and he agrees it's time for "Da Vindow"

    2. I hope his family makes it safely to Finland.


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