Otto Update : Good news I found a room mate

 Hey Everyone,

  So I commented this on my last OVD update but thought I should post it so everyone knows. I have found a room mate. She gave me some cash today and will be moving in on the first. Her name is Jamie Whiting and she's 54 and works at an Glasses/eye doctor place. She seems nice and smokes cigarettes too so my smoking isn't an issue. So I won't be going homeless. YASSSS!!!

  Swords to plowshares called me today saying they are only missing the stuff from my Landlord  which was mailed 3 weeks I gave the new guy their info. So stand by to stand by we might have a maybe. If they do drop the ball I'll have to come up with 2 months back I have to be ready for that possibility. My Landlords are pretty cool and will probably let me do a payment plan if that happens...but I'll probably do a GoFundMe if that happens as I can't afford to eat so a payment plan would be hard for me to pull off. But we will cross that bridge when we get there. So I'm not so depressed. The weather went shitty again so the pain is worse...but I have cookies so I'll get by. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 



  1. It's good to hear about the roommate. I hope that works out well and that Swords to Plowshares will get their shit together and do something finally.


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