Otto I'm not Dead yet.

 Hey Everyone,

  So as you know I'm banned from both Fascistbook and Twitler for my Anti-Nazi stances. And because of it, a lot of people have started to think I'm dead. Well I'm not. It would explain why I'm not getting many visitors or calls anymore. If you are on those Platforms, especially in the Burning Man Community....please let folks know I'm not dead yet. 

  Otherwise I'm still looking for a decent room mate and working with Swords to Plowshares to help with the current situation. I and a few friends painted most of the room after I patched all the walls. Well I tried to paint more solo today but when I got on a chair to paint the top, my right knee went out on me. Badly. I collapsed and fell. So I can't put any pressure on my right leg without massive pain. Really restricting my movement. Even around the house. I'm out of food so I'll have to get a pizza tonight as there is no way I can go to the store...even though I can't afford one. Depression is kicking in again. As I watch politicians brag about the VA and how they are going to make it better...I know they aren't even accepting claims right now. The last three I filed were "Lost" according to them. I have another all filled out(which is a nightmare) but there is no place to file it and the VA said it would be at least two years until they got to it they are so behind. So to everyone of those Politicians...from Boebert to Biden...FUCK YOU. You lying sacks of shit. Actions speak louder than your false words.  

  On the entertainment front...Battlefield 2042 is still full of bugs and frustrating. I'm still one of the best but less and less people are playing. I'm pretty sure I wasted my money on that game. Lesson learned...NEVER pre-order a game. I'd look for a free PC game or cheap but my computer is so old I don't think it could handle anything new. So I'm stuck with the out dated PS4. As for shows here a list and ratings on a 1 to 10

"1883", Rating 2.5, it's Basically Emily goes to 1883 and dies.

"Peacemaker", Rating 9.5 , brilliant, funny, witty, dark and all around awesome...better than "The Boys" even. Eagly is the best thing ever.

"Vikings Valhalla", Rating 9, The Vikings saga continues. You get a a taste of how bad it got for us Pagans(and still remains in much of the world). It good but definitely set up for more seasons. It leaves you right when Leif Erikson is about to go on his first Berserker Rage....yes, Yes, YES...wait what...I have to wait a !!!

"The Kings Man", Rating 4, a prequal to the Kingsman movies it's kind of fun but outrageous historically. Only worth watching if it's free and you're bored.

There really is anything out of note right now otherwise that's available to me. Please feel free to comment rating on what you've watched.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis

Otto Von Danger March 2,2022



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