OVD Update

 Hey Everyone,

  So I'm not doing well physically or mentally these days. My pain has been getting worse which means I have to get used to a new level of pain. Everything is hard to do. The sweet old lady that makes my pot cookies has had a stroke so I may not get anymore. I'm supper low on smokable weed and my fridge is empty. I haven't had any real sleep in over 4 days because of the pain. It's wearing me down as you can imagine. I've done all the flaming hoops for Swords to Plowshares but They still haven't paid the rent for the last two months or told me what they will do to help in the future exactly. I haven't seen a human in days and TV's and movies have been shit lately. Here's some rating on a 1 to 10

Spiderman-no way home : 3 : predictable, bad acting, bad lazy writing 

The Adam project : 4 : predictable

The Last Kingdom : 3 : the final season is predictable and boring even. 

All of us Dead : 2 : A South Korean, Zombie series that is just horrible, bad writing, bad acting, bad special effects. I was excited by this coming out only to be hugely disappointed

Vikings Valhalla: 9 : the only good show out but it's only 8 episodes and leaving you on a cliff waiting for season 2. 

So I'm also still looking for a room mate. The ad I posted is still up but I only got one email from a crazy person. I have two weeks to find one or I'm screwed. If you know someone looking that would be a good match please have them contact me ASAP. If I make a new Ad(the old one goes down) I will post it on this blog. 

  So all in all I'm not doing good. I'm stressed, hungry, tired, in massive pain, lonely. I have no clue what I will do if I don't find a room mate. It's hard to clean or even keep myself clean. I'm becoming a mess. And I just want to go to Ukraine and fight but I'm a f*cking cripple. 

-Otto Von Danger]

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. I'm sorry you're having a really hard time. I know how constant pain wears you down so even relatively small things are just too much to handle. WTF is wrong with the people who are supposed to be helping you? When a person is pretty much at the end of their rope they can't wait indefinitely for others to get their shit together. Is there anyone who can light a fire under them? Or set them on fire?
    I've posted your ad where I can but it doesn't seem to help any.

    1. Yeah the people looking for places right now are young and screwed up. As for Swords to plowshares...I've done all I can. I jumped through all their flaming hoops and they know how disabled I am. It's just the system that is designed to fuck us over so the government can save money and give it to the Ultra Wealthy.
      I'm hoping someone will have a friend moving in the area that fits in well. Being cut off from Fascistbook and Twitler hinders me finding that person. I will try a mass email in the next few days. If not I take the long walk.

  2. Can you not make alternate accounts?

    1. No...they have my IP locked down...and they know who I am from Burning Man. One of the reasons I stopped building art there and even going is it had turned into a Tech Bro, millionaires, fake celebrities and some Russian mafia types...who stayed away from the Norsk Marine...lol. There are no working class people there anymore and way less people of color. Things change. it's sad but that's the way it happens.

    2. It's a pain as I had a huge following and could spread word fast...now people think I'm dead lol


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