The new Russian Swastika....Z stands for NaZi

 Hey Everyone,

  So I'm sure you've all seen the "Z's" on Russian tanks and equipment being used in the war against the Ukrainian people. Well it's now become Russia's fascist symbol and a way for Russian Fascists to show support for this horrible war. It's on T-shirts and Bumper stickers now. All over Russia. It's become their Swastika. If you see someone sporting it you now know they are a Fascist that supports Russia's evil war. React appropriately. I'll react the same way as if it was a swastika(Batman sounds "pop" "pow" "crash"). I fully expect to see the Russian supporting treasonous Republican Nazis to be sporting them soon. Proud boyishly displaying their evil. 

  In other news from Ukraine Putin has offered a "Peace plan" but it won't happen. He demands Ukraine authorize it's Crimea and eastern Ukraine seizures as Russian and that Ukraine re-write it's constitution to "stay neutral" and demilitarize(disband their armed forces). Of course this will never happen and why Putin offered it. The Ukrainians can't demilitarize with a hostile Fascist country on it's border that's already invaded 3 times in the last 15 years. And obviously without Europe and it's allies they are screwed. So take that with a grain of salt. It's just another Russian bullshit ploy. On top of that Russian are deliberately targeting civilians...and not just "random" shelling. The are shooting at obvious civilians fleeing the towns under siege. Killing women and children on the run...fully knowing they are women and children. Nazi level evil. 

  The Ukrainians are continuing to ambush and hold against the Russian onslaught. They are now flooding fields near the cities to make the Russian assault even more difficult. Thousands of Russians are dying in these brave actions by Ukraine's defensive fighters...regular and volunteer. Russia is however starting to get the edge in the air. We need to send better air defense missiles than stingers or Russia will gain full air superiority very soon and if that happens they will bomb these civilians cities into dust. Making ruble for the defenders but at a huge cost of civilian life.  

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 


  1. I haven't heard why the US won't let Poland send their MiGs to Ukraine. They need more air support.

    1. Because the Pentagon is worried it would start WWIII


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