Truth Bomb by OVD : Battlefield 2042 review 6 months in.

 Hey Everyone,

 So being disabled I have a lot of time on my hands. So I play video games to help fill that time and give myself artificial game goals to keep myself driven. I'm on a fixed income so I don't have a lot of money to spend on games, so I buy one game a year tops. At the end of last year I bought Battlefield 2042. It was supposed off the charts fun and all the previews and press went right along with that. When it came out It was bugged but was still fun enough to play...figuring they'd fix the bugs in weeks and add more content. Well it's been 6 months and not only do I still have the initial bugs but now there are new ones as well. No new content but skins(what your character/vehicle  looks like). It's so bad, less an less people are now the battles are 50% AI's and some of the "players" act suspiciously like AI bots too. It's so broken it's frustrating to play...even for a badass like myself. No amount of skill can compensate for the bugs that kill you. I'm just going to list some issues so you can get an idea.

1) Enemy players being invisible due to bad graphics

2) Shooting through the enemy with no hits

3) Gadgets not working or functioning the way the are supposed to. 

4) Tree stumps and small bricks stopping armored vehicles and tanks in their tracks. 

5) enemies shooting you through walls...even 20 feet of concrete type walls

6) Respawning at the wrong place...not anywhere near where you need to be or even close. And these spawn sites are VERY far apart. Even if it does work it puts you 600 meters away sometimes...or spawns you right in front of the enemy who is already shooting through that spot. So frustrating.

7) The game seems like a jogging simulator if your not in a vehicle.  Joggerfield 2042 as everything is so far apart...with little to no cover I might add. 

8) If you body is touching anything your team mates can't resurrect you. Toe is tough the bad no rez for you.

9) same 6 maps...none fixed( JoggerField 2042)...6 months later

10) way to many vehicles because of the "drop call option" where you can call them in.  You end up with tanks on top of sky scrappers. And a horde of vehicles running over the poor infantry trying to go from one objective to another...sniper hell too. No Forest run.

11) No comm. You can't talk to your fellow players in a team based squad combat game. Also making it next to impossible to meet new friends to game with. One of the main reasons I play as I'm isolated. Not to mention it decreases the chance of you working as a team...literally the point of squad based games. Sigh. 

12) Instead of playing yourself as a class(like most first person shooters online COD WWII as an example) get a premade clone class...which means it looks like you are fighting yourself and copies...kind of creepy and hard to tell each other apart. And these clones are just stupid and say stupid ignorant shit. At the end of every battle they say some stupid shit that makes you want to slap the person who came up with this crap.

13) Lack of choice in weapons, and the scopes, muzzle breaks and other attachments don't make much difference. Also the game likes to make you drop your gun and pull out your knife when less than 20 feet from the enemy...which gets you killed all the time. It's more than frustrating. As a Viking I'm a stabby kind of guy but not in a gun battle at 10 feet away...grrrr.

To put it bluntly...the game is broken and it doesn't look like they have an real interest in fixing it. The players base is disappearing and I got ripped off. I've learned my lesson. Never by a game from EA or DICE again. And don't ever pre-order a new game...other companies are doing similar shit. The worst part is this game has potential. When it does work(which is rare) I have a blast. But I'm at the point I can't see them fixing it without majorly rewriting the game...which tells me they never even bothered testing it Alfa or Bata. These greedy companies are ruining the gaming world. I curse them and their bloodlines. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. At this point it is impossible to play this game more than 5 minutes without getting angry about all the broken shit. I want my money back.


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