Truth Bomb by OVD : Biden was right. Stop worrying about hurting the butchers feelings.

 Hey Everyone,

  So the American media has been freaking out about Biden's speech in Poland where he said the truth boldly. Now you all know I'm no Biden fan. To me he's just another rich old white racist that hides his racism. Not much better than Trump. But here I am defending him...why? Well first of all, think, if Trump had said something like one would have cared. The press and the Democrats themselves, hold Democrats to a higher standard. If the Republicans do's a sign of Strength. If a Democrat does it...OMG you hurt the dictator, who is butchering civilians, feelings. The reason why dictators like Hitler and Putin get away with so much is this attitude. you think Putin's decisions to murder innocent people is going to change because his feeling are hurt? Because he's called out for being what he is? For saying the truth...this war and others like it will continue as long as Putin is in power. Three months ago when I predicted this war and how it would go I stated clearly this war won't end until Putin is removed. I even used the term "Da Vindow" . Where was all the out rage then? The was none. I guess America needs to be reminded that if you don't speak out or stand up to're allowing it to thrive. Another example of this is Trump and his fellow seditionists aren't in prison. We aren't standing up to it so it thrives. And it will happen again only worse. Just like Chimera and Donbass turned into the present day, all out genocide of the Ukrainian people. Because we didn't call it out and stand up against it....and now here we are. So stop trying to call this a gaff or inappropriate. It's not. 

  The next thing I want to bring up is weapons we are sending to Ukraine. Yes Javelins and stingers are nice and helping. But they are short range weapons and were given as we expected this to become a guerilla war quickly. Well it's not and it's time we start sending real gear there. Planes, tanks, medium and long range missiles, Anti-ship missiles. Stuff that the Ukrainians need to finish this war and wipe out the Russian "Z" Nazi invaders and then be able to defend themselves afterwards. We are already sending weapons and Russia didn't launch they don't plan too. It's time to take the initiative instead of just responding to one horror after another. If we squander this and the Ukrainians start to lose ground or take massive casualties because of inadequate equipment will be our fault. And the thousands or millions that die....their blood will be on our hands too.

  Also Russia is saying it is stepping back it invasion and no longer targeting Kiev. This is 100% bullshit. They are trying to use the peace process to withdraw and SAVE their starving outmatched units and re-equip and redeploy them. Don't let them. The Ukrainians should spring the trap and encircle those units and destroy them or force them to surrender. Putin knows they are already on the brink of mass defeat in the north and he's doing this to save them and save face. Don't allow it. Crush them or they WILL be reused against you later. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. He said Putin needs to go. We've all been thinking the same thing.

  2. If we would give Ukraine the support they really need they could finish this war. They've done so much with the short-range, defensive weapons. If they could really go on the offensive Putin's army would be in deep shit. What is the problem with giving them planes and missiles?

    1. The excuse is they don't want to upset the

    2. I remember when we were told not to bomb SAM sites b/c we might kill the Russians who were installing and training the NVA on operating them. When Khrushchev said there were no Soviet soldiers there. I also remember when some were "accidentally" taken out and Khrushchev never did anything about it.

    3. I can live with "upset" Russians.

    4. Me too...and I'm pretty sure they are already upset by being beaten militarily

  3. Also I refer to Putin as the butcher of Mariupol
    a fitting title

    1. Yes, it is.
      The news is reporting that Putin's advisors are reluctant to tell him the truth about how badly the war is going for them. More parallels to Hitler.
      I've seen a lot of reports on this. Not sure how much credence to give to them.
      "The Russian soldiers dug trenches in the highly radioactive Red Forest to facilitate their attack on Chernobyl."

    2. What I heard was the drove through it...kicking up super radioactive dust in no protected vehicles not wearing protective gear themselves, either. They will all die within 5 years of cancer...if they are lucky. Some will melt from the inside's horrible.

    3. Some reports said they just drove through. Some said they dug trenches. I'm more inclined to believe the ones about driving through. I can readily believe they were given no protective gear considering how poorly equipped they seem to be. And how little Putin seems to care about Russian soldiers. He won't care if they die horribly.

    4. Nope...the Butcher of Mariupol doesn't care about any human life but his own.


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