Truth Bomb by OVD : Chemical Weapons and what Biden must say NOW

 Hey Everyone,

  So as I was saying in my last post about Ukraine, Russia is making up some bullshit story of the US having BIO and Chemical Warfare labs in Ukraine. There are Labs there but they are like the CDC and for health and disease. Even though there is no evidence or weapons labs(because it's not true), China is now repeating these lies. Why would they do that...well simply put this is projection so Putin can use Chemical warfare against the Ukrainians both civilian and military.

  As I stated in that post Biden needs to make a clear and public statement that says "If Russia uses Bio or Chemical warfare on Ukraine, NATO will immediately create a non fly zone and take out all those forces using these horrific weapons". This makes it clear to Putin and his Russian Generals that if they do it they are starting WWIII basically. The reason it must be said is simple. If he doesn't Putin will use them. The Russians are now losing badly in Ukraine and may see this is a way to get revenge or save face. It can not be allowed. First of all Bio and Chemical weapons don't have borders. They will spread(Funny thing is Russia and China will probably take the brunt of that) with the wind or rain spreading horrific death where ever they go. A thimble of VX agent(Russia's main Chemical weapon) can wipe out a small town or 10 city blocks. Then kills everything down wind. Weaponized small pox could end up wiping out the worlds population. Making COVID look like Childs play. This simply can NOT be allowed. Period. And Biden and the leaders of the West need to say it loud and clear. Draw that line in the sand so to speak. Because we all know....Putin will use it. He's proven he's an evilly insane madman already. I'm really surprised Xi of China is on board with this. China as I said is down wind and stands to lose...well...everything. 

  So please call and email your Reps and Senators to push for this. Literally the worlds safety is in Danger. And inform your friends and family. Thanks.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. Well I guess no one is reading this anymore so I'll stop posting.

    1. I'm reading but have a lot of other stuff going on right now so I'm slow to catch up. Just had a toe amputated due to developing a bone infection that was eating away one of my toe bones and causing the toe to look like an uncooked sausage link. It was either amputation or trying a course of IV antibiotics that may have killed my kidneys and not worked anyway. I think I'm not going to be feeling very well for some time yet. My typist, also known as my wife, is also having a bad flare-up of her fibromyalgia and is not getting around very well herself. I really rely on her a lot for keeping me going at the best of times so I'm worrying about how she's doing while she's worried about trying to take care of me.
      Try to take care of yourself as best as you can. And I do like getting your rundown on the whole mess in Ukraine. There is so much garbage floating around online and on TV.


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