Truth Bomb by OVD : Clearance Thomas needs to be Impeached and removed

 Hey Everyone,

  So the wife of Justice Clearance Thomas, Gini Thomas has been busted for pushing for a COUP against the legally elected US Government. Her Texts to Mark Meadows clearly show it. So when the Debate on whether these texts should be released reached the Supreme Court all of the Justices voted to release them...except one...Clearance Thomas...who is married to the traitor. Instead of recusing himself as the Constitution clearly states he decided to support his treasonous wife and the Seditionists, voting against it. Showing that not only does he not care about the Constitution but that he is willing to help member's of the COUP attempt escape justice. A clear violation of his Constitutional Duties. They should start his Impeachment, which should be a slam dunk, immediately. But instead the media is acting like this has never happened and there is nothing that can be done. That's the F*CKING CONSTITUTION and Impeach his treasonous ass. And because they probably won't you can see why most folks state correctly that the Justice system is broken in America. Hell we have a former President still trying to pull off a COUP and still hasn't been arrested. In any other Nation in the world, all those involved  would have been arrested...put on trail(the evidence is abundant and clear) and put in prison...most countries would have executed them I will add. But here in the United States there is no Justice and these vile seditionist traitors are for the most part still free and still publicly pushing for their COUP.

  Americans politicians will be fast to condemn China or Russia for their lack of Justice when we don't have a functioning Justice system ourselves. Our "Law enforcement" literally gets away with murdering our citizens with little to no repercussions. Giant Corporations get away with everything from bribery to destroying out environment and nothing is done...or they get a fine for a fraction of the profits they made from their lawless evil. We have seditionists on TV calling for the overthrowing of our Democracy and there is no response from the Justice Department. That's about as broken as you can get. Ask you trust the American Justice system? No one I know does. 

  So if congress sits by and does nothing...or complains on TV...and do nothing else...Injustice has won and we are not a nation of laws. We are an Oligarchy. Where the rich and powerful can do whatever the f*ck they want. While the rest of us live in a police state that murders us daily. So please pressure your Reps and Senators to Impeach this Traitor in our highest court. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. Our justice system is a complete mess and has been for a long time. From some ridiculous laws, racist sentencing biases, the inability for a known innocent inmate to be released from prison (innocence is not grounds for an appeal), cops routinely getting away with murder and felony assault, to a SCOTUS judge who should never have held his position in the first place and who knows damn well he should have recused himself on certain occasions. Impeachment is called for and is the best remedy. He could resign but he needs to face the consequences.

    I remember the slogan "Impeach Earl Warren" but he did nothing wrong. Just pissed off white supremacists. Particularly in the south.

  2. He won't resign....Conservatives never do.


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