Truth Bomb By OVD : The GOP has a Nazi problem

 Hey Everyone,

  I'm pretty sure I'll be preaching to the choir here but it must be said. There are actual Nazis in the GOP. I hate the term Neo-Nazis or Alt right or America First...these are all terms for Nazis...just call them Nazis. That's what they are. They preach Hate, Racism and many forms of Bigotry. They are violent and push for violence. They support dictators like Putin and wannabe dictators like Trump. Reps like Gosar, Boebert, Green and Cawthorn are perfect examples. The lie constantly. Pushing for violence in our nation against Americans. They make speeches at actual Nazi rallies and for the most part the GOP does nothing or condones their actions and words. The worst they get is a slap on the wrist. The reason I'm banned from Fascistbook and Twitler is for calling them out on their Nazi shit and treason when EVERY American should be doing just that. If they don't like voting, democracy or most Americans they should move to North Korea, China or Russia and see first hand how it is to live under a police state. They definitely should be removed from Government and banned from ever running again. Please call them can do it "nicer" than me if your worried about being banned. I was very direct. Some thing simple like my friend Bubba suggested like "You should resign in disgrace" or "How un-America of you" If they are running in your district...fight against them. Try and get them disqualified for being seditionists. Give them no peace. They are evil to the core. It's really that simple.

\-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 

Nazis in the GOP


  1. Some of them don't even try to pretend they aren't Nazis anymore. Some still try to claim it's their opponents who are anti-American. And remember the Trump supporters who wore shirts proclaiming they'd rather be Russian than a Democrat? I don't know what has happened to this country.


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