Truth Bomb by OVD : How Russia has already lost the war and more

 Hey Everyone,

  So lets look at what Russia and Putin's goals were for this war and where they are in real life...

1) Stop NATO expansion. This goal was stated at the get go and so far it has driven Sweden and Finland to probably joining NATO but definitely they are working closely with NATO now. So Russia failed at that goal.

2) Weaken or split NATO. Putin used his toadie Trump to try and split NATO for 4 years and did great damage to the Alliance. But Trump is out and this illegal war has solidified the NATO alliance. It's stronger and more unified than ever right now. So Russia failed this goal.

3) Unite the "Russian peoples" in Ukraine with Russia. Well this war has made sure the next 5 generations of Ukrainians will hate Russia with a passion. Anyone in Ukraine that was on the fence isn't anymore. Even the Pro-Russia folks are now siding with the Ukrainians in large numbers. This is utter failure of this goal.

4) Gaining economically by taking Ukraine's industry. Mostly agricultural. Well now it's all rubble and burnt fields. Add the fact that Russia's own economy is collapsed from Sanctions...again, utter failure.  

5) Show the world Russia is a strong nation with a strong modern military that should be feared. Well the surrendering conscripts, blown up Tanks and BMP's, supply issues, lack of organization and effectiveness against a much smaller opponent shows the world just how pathetic the Russian military really is. Again...utter failure.

6) Putin's Legacy. Putin would have gone down in History as a shrewd player that saved Russia from the falling of the USSR. Now he'll be remembered as a failed tyrant and mass murdering mad man that will most likely end from "Da Vindow"

  So as you can see, even if Russia was to take Kiev or even all of Ukraine they have already failed at ALL their goals and put themselves in the Hurt Locker. Their economy is in taters, they are isolated from the world. They've lost billions of dollars of equipment already and their "Army" is seen as unorganized and pathetic. Their only strength is numbers and they have to conscript to get those. It's so bad Russians are fleeing their own country to avoid the economic collapse or worse...being conscripted into this failed war. 

  And even if they take most of Ukraine there will be guerilla warfare for decades that will cost Russia even more. Remember it's one thing to "take" a nation by force. it's another to actually hold it. When the second Iraq war started I and some other Marines I know, like General Zinni ( I knew him as a Colonel) told Bush and gang this. It's why we didn't try and take Iraq in the first Gulf War. We knew we couldn't hold it. Of course they didn't listen and the disaster that was the second Iraq war happened. This same thing will happen in Ukraine...on steroids. 

  What could Putin do to save Russia from this disaster. He could end the war and return to Russia. Take some political hits and try and ease the wests economic barrage on Russia. But...his pride won't let him. So the only way I see this ending is if the Russia Generals or Political elite's show Putin the wonderful view of the street...from Da Vindow. My guess is they are already planning this because of his Nuclear stupidity(no one wants another Chornobyl or Nuclear War). 

  So as I said in my first blog about this months ago...this will be Putin's end. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis

Another 3.7 million dollar Russian Tank destroyed


  1. Now Putin is trying to say they are on they are so behind and a cluster fuck.

  2. Russia's convoy appears to be having some logistical problems. Seems vehicles have trouble moving without fuel. And in deep mud. Their army is feeding their troops with rations that expired seven years ago and they have a lack of spare parts for their equipment. They have a poorly equipped, conscript army that was informed that they were being sent on a training mission. They are fighting on someone else's home court against an opponent willing to defend their homeland to the bitter end. What could go wrong? Except that Putin has backed himself into a corner and is willing to kill as many of his own countrymen as he feels he has to to keep his ill-gotten gains. It will no doubt take a look out a window to stop him because he cares about no one and nothing but himself.

    1. Yup...a huge Clusterfuck but Russia has never cared about it's own casualties. Most 0of those conscripts are Russia less than desirables. Poor, criminals, political dissidents, LGBTQ, Low IQ, etc.

    2. I believe the term you're looking for is "cannon fodder".

  3. Saw this posted today.
    "Angry Russian mothers have accused Vladimir Putin of deploying their sons as "cannon fodder" in his invasion of Ukraine"


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