Truth Bomb by OVD : How the west is failing Ukraine

 Hey Everyone,

  So you see us sending Ukraine small anti-tank and anti-air missiles. These are hand held with limited range. They are helping but it's like giving someone a stick to fight Godzilla. The sanctions are hurting Russia but they were expected and Russia will adapt like the Soviet Union and North Korea did. While these moves are nice and do help...NATO missed the ball and keeps swinging at to speak. This whole war would have never started if NATO had just let Ukraine join 2 months ago. That was their biggest failure. 

  The next failure is to REALLY equip the Ukrainians. With medium and long range missile systems, planes and modern gear and equipment. We keep insisting they use Russian made equipment. Now this makes some sense when dealing with complex systems like aircraft as we'd have to train them how to use these new systems. But that's an excuse. An already trained MIG pilot could learn to fly an F-16 in no time. And we can train them anywhere. How would Russia even know if we sent a few hundred Ukrainians to America, trained them and sent them back to train others. They wouldn't. So we are forcing the Ukrainians to fight with outdated Russian equipment. This is another major failure that at least could be corrected. 

  Another overlooked failure is to get Non-NATO countries to ally with Ukraine and help in the Finland, Israel, Mexico, Sweden and Egypt. These are examples of countries with strong ties to the west. Who's militaries are modern western equipped that have an interest in this war. Most of them get grain from Ukraine as an example. Or owe the west billions for their militaries. Another overlooked option is to pressure Finland and Sweden to join NATO, putting two more NATO countries on the Russian border.

  And last and very important...make a red line for nuclear, biological or Chemical attacks. I've made two posts about this already but Biden and NATO need to publicly say they will regard such attacks as a world threat and will retaliate with a no fly zone as a minimum(this would include taking out Russian air defenses on the Ukrainian border). If they don't send this clear message Putin will use them in the next week as his military collapses. Millions of lives...civilian lives at that...are on the line. And we all know Putin doesn't care about human lives...even his own people. This too is correctable...but only for a short time. Once Putin say...bombs Kiev with Chemicals...killing 2 million + will be too late. And all we will do is complain and act shocked. Not a good strategy for stopping this Stalin/Hitler level villain. But if Putin knew the west would wipe his armed forces out for doing it...changes everything. 

  Again I call on you all to contact your Reps and Senators and push for these things that can still be done like the red line for Nuclear, biological or Chemical attacks, and better and more equipment.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. I've contacted my representatives and senators, but I live in a deeply red state. I'm screaming into the void.

    1. Have you heard of Marsha Blackburn? The other isn't much better.

    2. oh snap...she's a full blown Nazi and I'm sure supports Putin.

    3. Just saw this.
      Yesterday, Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) came out against Griswold v Connecticut, which legalized contraception.


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