Truth Bomb by OVD : Is it Inflation...or Price gauging

 Hey Everyone,

  So the prices of everything have been going up over the last few years and even more recently. You'll hear the news and politicians blame Covid, the Ukraine war and supply issues. And those things have effected prices...but only slightly. The real culprit is price gauging. And we are not talking about the local store gouging prices because of increased demand. We are talking giant multinational companies gouging prices for one reason only...profit. Using the above mentioned as an excuse to do it and get away with it. But they've been caught. 

  So every quarter CEO's of major corporations give an earning report. In this report they are legally not allowed to lie to the investors. So they didn't. Many of these CEO's said straight up in the last quarter that they were raising prices because they could and are making record profits doing it. The press, instead of ringing the alarm bells, reported this as if they were slick business people helping the "investor class". It's illegal and disgusting. We are paying more for food and household items to make wealthy people even wealthier...while the rest of the nation pays for it or starves(people like me on fixed incomes are devastated, working class folks too). These CEO's publicly announced their crimes yet not one of them have been arrested and brought up on charges. And because these companies are monopolies with little to no competition...they get away with it. The US government is doing nothing to bust up these modern day robber barons and so we the American public are just screwed. No politician is bringing this up and the economic news folks are cheering them on, as they are the investor class also profiting from this. Just like my other post about the justice system it points out the US is not a Capitalist's an Oligarchy. Where the rich are above the law and get away with evil shit daily. 

  What can we do...well that answer is one I've been pushing for decades...the Reason nations like Norway, Sweden and Finland do so well. Unions. Most of their labor force is Unionized and can shut down those nations economies if they get screwed over. Because of that these countries are always in the top ten in the worlds "Happiness Index" and the USA doesn't make the top 10. Of course these same Corporations buy Congress and the Senators so they can Union bust and get away with these crimes and monopolies. So "bribery" or what the American "Justice" system calls campaign contributions and Super PACs needs to be made illegal again. Using money is not freedom of speech. It's  a tool for corruption. Period. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. I seem to remember that price gouging was illegal. I remember it specifically being a big deal when oil companies did it. Now, companies have been padding their bottom line by jacking up prices during a pandemic. Many are reporting their highest ever profits while they steadily increase what consumers have to pay. Oil companies cut back production, in concert with OPEC, to cut back on production and increase prices. The DOJ needs to start investigating and imposing fines. Other countries' Justice Departments need to do the same thing.

    1. It still is...but the Justice department or Congress aren't going after them.

    2. Congress seems to be more concerned with placing blame on political parties or representatives thereof than doing much for people who can't afford to live.

    3. Congress is owned by Oligarchs(American)


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