Truth Bomb by OVD : Ketanji Brown Jacksons Confirmation Hearing

 Hey Everyone,

  So there isn't to much to say about these hearing as Ketanji Brown Jackson is more than qualified and will make a great and much needed addition to the Supreme Court. Her record, if you actually read it, is just holy shit wow. So what's the fuss all about...well racism and sexism of course. The Republicans true to their bigotry driven form have tried to discredit her...because they think "Black Judges are soft on crime because black people are all criminals". Same racist shit Thurgood Marshall went through. Reality is to even be considered for a position like this black folk need to walk on water and will still get mud flung at them by the bigoted cowards(which basically what bigotry is...fear and cowardice of someone different you've never met). Asking the woman that graduated top of her class at Harvard Law what her LSAT scores are is just ridiculously stupid. Only a moron with no knowledge of how this works would ask that. And we all already know she'll be confirmed down party lines...I suspect she'll get 1 to 3 republican votes but even if she doesn't 50/50= Harris tie breaker vote and she's in. So all of this is political theater and pointless. I'm more looking forward to how Ketanji changes the way the court thinks about cases. She's the only one of them all that actually defended  actual Americans in the current system. And that is a much needed point of view on the court. Plus she will use "black woman power" to shame them into doing better. Mark my words...she will be a huge influence. I bet Clearance Thomas is shitting himself(and probably why he's "ill" now)  And I see daily how Anglo-Saxons react to black woman it's on like Donkey Kong. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Valhalla Calls

Semper Fidelis


  1. Many of the senators "questioning" her are making complete asses of themselves. She has shown tremendous composure and self-control throughout. Many of those same senators had already approved her previously for federal judge seats. But now they have concerns about her qualifications.

    1. Racists will racist. But she'll be confirmed and they will just look bad historically.


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