Truth Bomb by OVD : Lets call Russia's attack what it is...Genocide of Ukrainians

 Hey Everyone,

  So Russia's frustrated Dictator and Army is taking out there lack of war prowess on Ukraine's civilian population. Shelling towns and building that have no strategic value. Making cease fires with routes for civilians...then murdering them as they try and flee. This no longer looks like a war to control Ukraine but a genocide to take it's land and fill it with Fascist Russians. This is pathetic and down right evil. The press is just saying Russia is striking out...but lets please call this what it is. When you target and kill civilians in mass it's only one thing...Genocide. I guess we know what the crematoriums the Russian brought are for now. Just like Hitler's regime. More and more I see this going to World War III unless the Russians remove Putin and sue for peace. I understand their fear of his FSB but they have to realize now that they have become the "Nazis" and that Putin is a mad man ready to destroy the world over wanting more power. Targeting and shelling a nuclear power plant was an example. So is putting his nuclear forces on high alert for no logical reason. My Russian friends are trying to get their families out of Russia where it's bad too. Mass arrests, collapsing economy, conscription and a war they didn't want. Before you get any hopes up that protests in Russia will do any good let me remind you...Putin has no problem killing his own people or putting them in Gulags or even conscripting them and using them as cannon fodder. Reality is it would probably have to be Russia's military that over throws him as he has a private army of FSB and Russian mafia. Scary times. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis

Ukrainian civilians murdered by Russians trying to flee during a cease fire



  1. I've heard speculation lately that Putin is mad as a hatter. I don't know enough information about him to tell, but his actions lately don't seem well thought out. I believe the term megalomaniac may be fitting for him, however.


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