Truth Bomb by OVD: A new Target for Ukrainian forces

 Hey Everyone,

  So Putin has called on his brutal warlord from Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov to aid in his illegal war against Ukraine. Ramzan is known for his evil and brutality to keep Chechnya under Putin's rule. He's a puppet with his own nasty history. Well now he is heading to Ukraine to help the Russians attack innocent Ukrainians. This could give Ukraine a double victory and end Russia. If they take him out(and they have taken out 4 generals so far) not only will it be a major victory for Ukraine but could show the Chechnya's that they are no longer under that thumb and they could revolt too. This would tie up more Russian forces and give them a two front war. Never a good thing. And losing both the war in Ukraine and Chechnya would end Putin's regime for sure. Chechnya is how Putin got into power in the first place in a similar campaign to Ukraine. Slaughtering thousands of civilians to regain power and putting Ramzan's family in charge as puppet warlords. Go get his evil ass could win you this war and more. Plus they guy is straight up evil so you'd be doing the world a favor. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis



  1. Does this mean Putin is getting desperate? On the one hand, that shows he knows he's in trouble. On the other, desperate people do desperate things.

    1. Yes...he's already murdering his staff and his commanders including spy chiefs

    2. Just saw this.

      Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has signed a law that will make it possible for underaged children to serve in the army.

      The “Yunaarmia” (youth Army) was created in 2015.

      Those who will serve in Ukraine will be around 17-18 years old.


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