Truth Bomb by OVD : Otto update...looks like I'm f*cked.

 Hey Everyone,

  So I got a call from Swords to Plowshares yesterday...they have passed my case at the last minute to a noob who has no idea of what my situation is or how to deal with the US Government. So most likely I will get screwed by them at the last minute after I jumped through all the flaming hoops for them. I'm beyond pissed and depressed right now. The VA is still not taking new claims. I've only had one person look at the place and she said she was interested but never called back. I have no idea what to do and have no place to go once I'm evicted...not that anyone will rent to me again after this anyways. My congress woman Barbra Lee hasn't returned any of the calls or emails I've sent...not one. So I'm out of options. It feels like there is no place on this planet for me anymore. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Dead Man walking

Semper Fidelis


  1. Good news...Jamie the potential room mate just texted me and she's coming by tomorrow with money. She's in. I have a room mate.

    1. That's good to hear. WTF is wrong with the Swords to Plowshares people?

    2. Thanks...all government agencies and supposed NPO's that access them suck. It's why 22 Veterans kill themselves daily.

    3. But...but...all our politicians LOVE veterans and are eager to help! At least they say so in their speeches. Then vote against programs that will actually provide assistance.

    4. "Thank you for your service"


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