Truth Bomb by OVD : These aren't just War Crimes...lets call it what it is...Genocide of the Ukrainian people

 Hey Everyone,

  So I'm sure you all have seen some of what's going on in Ukraine these days. The Russians are bombing civilians at a level not seen since Hitler and Stalin. They are targeting neighborhoods, schools, hospitals and high rise apartments. The pictures coming out are heart wrenching. But this is just the tip of the ice berg. There are reports of Russians with lists hunting down journalists, activists and public figures...for assassination...just like Hitler and Stalin did. On top of that there are more reports of Russians forcing large numbers of Ukrainian civilians out of Ukraine to Russian and are putting them in secluded "Labor camps". Just like Hitler did to the Jews and many others. Of course the worst is yet to come as the Russians are hinting at Chemical, biological and even nuclear attacks on the Ukrainian cities. The west has yet to do or say anything of consequence about red lines...making it more and more probable. 

  Yes these are war crimes...but they are more than just war crimes. This is the systematic destruction of a whole nations people. So lets stop calling these "war crimes" and call them what they are...GENOCIDE. And lets call the Russians who are doing it what they really are...f*cking Nazis. In ever post, article, TV show, News program and online. So the world really Understands, and the Russians get a good look in the mirror. 

  If I wasn't disabled as bad as I am...I'd go and fight for Ukraine. This level of evil should never be tolerated.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. Watching older Ukrainians saying the Russians are doing worse than the Nazis did in WWII is just heart breaking.

    1. Yes, it is. So much of this situation is.

  2. Now Putin's spokesman said they are open to using


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