Truth Bomb by OVD : Ukraine Update 3/27

 Hey Everyone,

  So the Russians have restated their goals as just the Donbass region...which is a lie and shows the Russians know they are losing too. The Russian units to the north that were trying to encircle Kiev have been pushed back and are now digging in and even putting out land mines in front of their positions. This means their offense is now stopped and they don't expect to move any time soon. This northern army group has already had major supply issues so how long they can sit there in the cold forest without food or ammo is a factor. There are already reports of Russian ultra nationals infighting with the conscripts, officers being killed by their own men(one was even run over with a tank) and lots of desertions. It's a Clusterfuck and total shit show.

"Better to be a deserter than Fertilizer" -Russian radio operator  

  So I suspect this northern army group to start fleeing. deserting and surrendering in mass within a week. This will free up many assets for the Ukrainians and they can start sending them south to help Mariupol, which is being defended by some of the best Ukrainian units and holding firm. Also in the south the Ukrainians are shelling the stalled Russian units and even sunk a huge Russian Amphibious troop transport and supply ship and damaging 2 others. Meaning the southern Russian units will start to have more supply issues and morale issues like the north. 

  One of the biggest reasons for the Ukrainians success is the Russians communications is nothing short of a disaster. No secure networks or com so they are using the Ukrainian civilian network which are easily intercepted giving great intel to the Ukrainians plus the Ukrainians can GPS where those calls are coming from...and bomb them. Again...a clusterfuck. 

  The Russians have started conscripting more troops back in Russia. Which tells the people of Russia the war isn't going matter what their propaganda news says. On top of that they are pulling units from Chechnya. So now the Warlord that controlled Chechnya is in Ukraine and now the Russian forces that kept Chechnya's constant uprisings in check are gone...I suspect there will be another uprising there soon. If that happens...all hell will break loose in Russia. Putin will have to fear for his life.

  On top of all that the west is now starting to send bigger and better weapons and gear to Ukraine. Even those MIG 29's from Poland are back on the table. Plus the Ukrainians are capturing Russian gear and tanks at a level so high...they actually have more tanks in service now than they did at the start of the war. 

  All this is awesome but the Russians continue to target civilians and civilian infrastructure. Killing thousands of non-combatants...children and old people. It's nothing short of horrifying. Also they are sending civilians to "Labor Camps" deep in Russia. So I'm pretty sure the Russians found the supposed "Nazis" in's them. The Russians are the f*cking Nazis with the "Z" swastika's. Watching the Ukrainians civilians suffering is heart breaking. it will bring even a hardened Viking like myself to tears. The Ukrainians who have had many bonds with their Russian neighbors now hate them with a passion. Ensuring the next few generations of Ukrainians will hate Russia and everything Russian for decades. Further isolating the Russian people from the rest of the world. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


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