Truth Bomb by OVD : Ukraine update and Questions

 Hey Everyone,

  So the Pentagon has vetoed giving Ukraine the Polish MiG 29's because of worrying about the Russian response. I've got to say that's a stupid ball-less move. It's saying that, Russia would also do the same for...Javelins or Stingers, which of course they haven't. If they are worried about using their bases to send them...they should send them by train or truck then. On top of that this whole things should have been done behind closed is this even public for. I get Ukraine asking for them publicly to rally western countries but after that it should NOT have been discussed publicly. Period.

  The Russians continue to target civilians and break ceasefires to evacuate them. Again this points to war crimes and genocide. All the more reason to step up shipping arms and food to Ukraine. We need to stop worrying about Putin. No one wants a Nuclear war except maybe him and Trump. So if he feels "pushed" to order a nuclear strike the sooner the Russian Generals throw his ass out the top window as they are not morons. If Ukraine is hurting Russian forces this bad...imagine what NATO could do...and the Russians know this. Politicians won't and shouldn't say this but the only way this ends is Putin getting offed. He will never back off and only murder thousands of more Ukrainian civilians in his evil quest to feel important. The Russian people are fucked now as their economy is closed off and collapsing. But as I stated before...just protesting will get you 15 years in the Gulag and most likely conscription too. So don't expect a Russian uprising. That would take years. Now the Russians are lying and saying Ukraine has Bio and Chemical labs. this is of course 100% bullshit but it sets the stage for Russia to use them. If they will be WWIII. Killing millions of civilians with chemical warfare just can NOT be allowed. Biden has to say publicly if Russia does we will do a no fly zone over Ukraine or worse. Right away. A simple statement "If Russia using biological, chemical or nuclear warfare on Ukrainian civilians or military, The United States will immediately enact and enforce a no fly zone in Ukraine and move Anti-missile troops into Ukraine to shot down any missiles launched from Russia." This probably should have been said publicly weeks ago but Biden better say it soon. That's a firm line that everyone should agree with. It will also scare the shit out of Russia's brass...making "Da Vindow" more possible. 

  The Ukrainians continue to fight bravely and hold a lot of ground and now they have the advantage of defending in Rubble. 20,000 foreign fighters have signed up to fight on the Ukrainians side giving them fresh troops right when they will need them most. Plenty of those are veterans from many NATO countries and will put a serious hurt locker on the under trained Russian conscripts. President Zelensky is running a masterful political and propaganda campaign. And the Ukrainian people are more United now than ever. They have taken out hundreds of tanks and thousands of BMP's plus a bunch of planes and helo's. Even Pickled Tomato's Grand Ma  took out a Russian drone with her jar of pickled Tomato's. 

  So the fight is far from over. And it's not getting better. Putin has stepped up his bombing of cities and civilians to try and break the Ukrainian moral but it's just making them angrier. Glory to Ukraine.

So does anyone have any questions? Please feel free to ask in comments and I'll do my best to inform you.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. And let me say this loud and clear...F*ck Cawthorn. That little Nazi bitch is attacking Zelensky and Ukraine publicly. He should be deported to Russia today..

  2. I really can't wrap my head around the reason for not sending the MiGs from Poland. I kind of see some reasoning for NATO not providing no-fly zones, but the reason for providing them outweighs any for not doing so. Particularly in areas where there are supposed to be free passage zones provided for refugees and there aren't any. Our government also seems worried about US volunteering to help Ukraine fight. Saying Putin could use them as propaganda and "proof" of US involvement. Americans have been volunteering to fight for other countries in wars for over 100 years. And, as you pointed out, we aren't the only country with people willing to help fight.
    And where is a successful von Stauffenberg when we need one?

  3. "Igor, the Ukrainian man who FOUND a $20M Russian SAM while on a stroll"


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