Truth Bomb by OVD: Ukraine update and intercepted Russian transmissions

 Hey Everyone,

  If you are watching the news you might see hints of the huge change in the war there. The Ukrainians aren't just holding...they are taking ground and threatening to encircle the Russian forces around Kiev destroying the Majority of the Russian units. If that happens that will free them up to go south and wreck the Russians around Mariupol and basically end the war or at least the Russians ability to launch offensive operations. Just as I predicted months ago. Another sign of this reality is the Russians have restated their goals to be "securing the Donbass region"...which is a joke and shows they have no disillusions of conquering Ukraine. And the next tell is my favorite. Intercepted Russian communications...mostly radio. You can hear for yourself just what a pickle the Russians are in. How badly supplied they are and their morale is at it's lowest ever. You can find these intercepts online and even YouTube. The best one I heard was a Russian Trooper complaining...crying/sobbing even...that they had no fuel, low ammo and no leadership as the Ukrainians were attacking his unit and the response from the Russian on the other end of the line was...and yes I'll quote this...

"It's better to be a deserter than to be fertilizer" 

knowing full well everyone on the Russian side could hear him. 

The last tell is the horrifying one. Russian troops are slaughtering any civilians they see because of their frustration. Another intercept "But she's a civilian" said one. The other responded "just shoot killed 2 already today". 

Ukraine is going to win this...maybe even faster than I predicted. Glory to Ukraine.

-Otto Von Danger '

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. Apparently MSNBC reads my blog too, because they came out with a segment on their show a few hours after I posted

    1. They should listen to you.
      It seems Putin is now claiming he never intended to take Kyiv, that the attack there was just a diversion. Sure it was. And he seems to be losing a lot of high-ranking officers.

    2. They're getting their asses handed to them. They just lost a supply and amphibious assault ship and two more were damaged. And Ukraine has MORE Tanks now than they did at the start of the war...from gaining so many captured tanks. It's a shit show on the Russian side.


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