Truth Bomb by OVD : Ukraine update and tactics/strategies

 Hey Everyone,

  So a Russia has stated it's "pulling back" from Kiev and the northern cities in Ukraine to help peace talks and concentrate on the Donbass region. This is 100% bullshit. Most of their northern forces have dug in because they are out of supplies and are getting hit hard by Ukrainian counter attacks. I want to make this clear...Russia is NOT interested in peace, at least not at this point. The Chechnya warlord Ramzan Kadyrov even said as much in a recent leaked video. they intend to resume operations towards Kiev soon. What the Russians are doing is a two part ploy. Their Northern Army is decimated and low on supplies. All this ploy is for is so Russia can resupply and redeploy these units and reinforce them. They hope the Ukrainians will move assets south and east to help down there...and weaken Kiev's defense. Expect some major Russian attacks in the south to push this narrative in the next few days. The Russians are also moving troops from Chechnya to southern Ukraine to help with that and have just started conscripting 150,000 new Russian soldiers(which takes about a short time to "equip" and "train". On a very basic level. This will make up the bulk of their second northern attack. These new conscripts can be 'ready" in a week or two. They are not professional soldiers...they are fodder. So they'll be given uniforms and basic weapons training and sent out. Russia claims this is their normal yearly conscription but that's just another lie. 

  The Ukrainians don't seem to be falling for those Russian lies. They are NOT sending assets south and east. They are counter attacking mostly in the north. Their goals should be twofold. First and the minimum is to retake highly defensible positions (which they have) and keep pressure on those demoralized Russian units. The secondary goal would be to encircle those demoralized troops and take them off the board. Making any attack in the north by the new conscript army costly and pointless. Remember conscripts are bullet catchers...fodder. On their own they are pretty worthless. Their job is to take the enemy abuse so other better trained units are freed up to tactically attack. This is why Ukrainian is pushing for new aid. They will use a lot of their arsenal on these troops and could run out of ammo(a known Russian tactic). If they are successful in surrounding and eliminating the current northern force...Russia will have to give up any idea's of taking Kiev from the North and more importantly...that Chechnya warlord would be captured and killed. If that conjunction with Russian troops being pulled out Chechnya...Ukraine and the west could stir up rebellion in Chechnya really screw up the Russians. The Chechnya people hate Russia and Putin ,the Butcher of Mariupol, with a passion. And want their independence. This would unravel Putin's image and power base and place Russia in a two front war. Belarus is also in play. They had a revolution not to long ago that Putin had to send troops in to save Lukashenko's terror regime. A lot of Belarusians are joining the Ukrainian forces and plan to free their homeland too. they are also sabotaging the rail system and Russian supply Belarus. Which could make it a three front war...again...further unraveling Putin's image and power. So their is a lot of play  and maneuvering here to be exploited. This is the kind of hush stuff the news has no clue about. 

  So it's really important that Ukraine gets REAL equipment from the west. Not just defensive and guerilla weapons like Javelins and stingers. The need planes, tanks, ammo or every kind, medium and long range missiles, anti-ship missiles, air defense batteries and drones. We are already sending weapons so the argument that we are scared of starting a larger conflict is ridiculous. The only reason I can think of them not sending this stuff is they are worried about making Ukraine to powerful...which is stupid too. Ukraine has more than proven they are on our side and want to be a western Democracy. Just giving them enough to hurt Russia but not enough to expel Russia is a poor plan(proxy war). Of course all this should be done behind closed doors. If we really supply them, Ukraine could win this war in a few months...if not weeks and the Butcher of Mariupol, Putin will loose power and get thrown out Da Vindow. Ukraine needs to secure the north first...if they lose the north and west...the east won't matter. Western Ukraine is highly defensible. It's where the Ukrainians nailed the Nazis in WWII...for years. Only then should Ukraine send forces east and south. If I was in charge of their military I would do a big push to encircle that northern army before it's reinforced and take them off the board. Even if it costs a lot. It has to be their priority if they intend to win and/or survive. 

  I hope this helps your understanding. Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments below. I will answer them to the best of my ability. If you've read my blog then you know I'm really good at this.

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at large

Semper Fidelis


  1. Also there are report of Russian troops dying of radiation poisoning. These reports are true but they aren't from digging trenches. they are from when the Northern units drove through Chernobyl a few weeks back. There is part of that area called the Red forest...because the radiation levels are so high the tree turned red. Wood absorbs radiation. This area is so bad even geared up Ukrainians only go if it a MUST and for short periods. The Russians drove through not geared up and not in Radiation protected vehicles. They kicked up dust getting all over them and their gear. Now they are melting from the inside out. The Russian command WAS aware of the Red Forest and did it anyways. Which shows they didn't expect them to live more than 30 days anyways.

    1. This just in...they are in fact digging trenches near Chernobyl...idiots. Apparently it's a point of "pride" that they took over this toxic are building defenses trenches.


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