Truth Bomb by OVD : Ukraine update

 Hey Everyone,


  So lets start with the good news. The Sanctions are way harsher than anyone expected. Iran level sanctions have crippled the Russian banking system and economy...which weren't strong to begin with. Russia has also been isolated. It's commercial jets banned from Europe's airspace. It's been kicked out of almost every major sports or entertainment event. The Ruble is now worth less than a penny. Even Switzerland has sanctioned Russia, Putin and his Oligarchs. That alone is huge. China's support seems to be waning as it see's all of the above(Taiwan doesn't seem like a good idea anymore...If Putin had been successful you bet your bottom dollar China would have attacked). Even two of the three major oil companies have ditched Russian oil. Russia actually needs them as their own government operation sucks and can't drill on it's own. So Russia will also feel the pinch at the pump and it will be hard to keep the heat on for it's own people.

  On top of that the Ukrainian defense has been(just as I told you it would be) brilliant. Russian casualties are somewhere between 3000-6000 troops. More than we lost in the Gulf War and Bush's Iraq war combined(6 years of active combat). Russian tanks and BMP's(Armored Troop Transports with a small turret) liter the roads of Ukraine. Russia has lost planes and helo's too. And it has been confirmed the Ghost of Kiev is real. The first modern European ace is a Ukrainian pilot. The Ukrainian people have hunkered down and are preparing for street to street combat in ALL it's cities. Making Molotov Cocktails and learning how to use an AK. Their spirits are high and they are angry. Their President Zelensky has been nothing short of a heroic leader. Not only did he not flee but he's there on the front lines. Tell me the last time you remember a National Leader on the front lines? Most flee with a pile of money. He stayed and rallied his people and has inspired the world. Putin calls him a Nazi even though he's Democratically elected in an actual election and is Jewish and his Grandfather was the one who survived the Holocaust...the rest of his brothers died. Putin is starting to lose his mind for sure. 


  In his desperation Putin put his Nuclear Forces on Alert. Whether this is a bluff or not doesn't matter. It's insanity. On top of that he is now intentionally targeting civilians and is moving a huge column of tanks and artillery towards Kiev. It looks like his intent is to shell the city into submission like Aleppo in Syria. Instead of rethinking his game or finding an exit and being rational...Putin has doubled down. This is not good for Ukraine...Russia...or the world. As I suspected(and the Ukrainians did too), Putin's peace talks were a distraction. The Russians shelled civilians the whole time. The rest of the world will also take a hit economically. No where near as bad as Russia, but it will adjust as new trading partners connect and big economies go green to be independent power wise. 


  Of course the worst thing that could happen is WWIII and why NATO didn't go to DEFCON when the Russians did. If we were all on that alert level and a mistake a Russian jet shoots a missile that goes into Poland for instance...then we all die in Nuclear annihlation . So NATO is playing very smart to avoid this. And if Putin Tries to just launch...I'm sure the Russian Generals will show him the great view from "Da Vindow" as they aren't insane. The other part of Ugly is going to be for the Russians. Leveling cities will create Martyrs and Anger. The Ukrainians are already going to mess the Russians up....think of attacking a major city were every door and window has a AK or Molotov or Javelin missile. Remember a winning attack against an Urban area usually suffers 50% casualties...I don't think the Russians will win. Not this attack at least. And if they just bomb it to rubble...remember this little place calling Stalingrad...yeah...rubble is worse. It gives the defenders a huge advantage. And here's the kicker...and maybe I shouldn't say this but....I think they are letting that huge convoy in towards Kiev because it's...a Trap. Once the Russians are committed the Ukrainian Units to the east will come down on the Russians from behind like Thor' Mighty Hammer Mjolnir. It will be a massacre...which brings us too


  The sunflower seed Grand Mother who approaches Russian troops and cusses them out while offering them Sunflower seeds(Ukraine's National flower) to put in their pockets so the Sun Flowers can drink the blood from their corpses on Ukrainian soil. 

Now that's as Viking or Gangster as you get.


-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis

Ukrainian Dogs do their part


  1. I was reading about the Ghost of Kiev earlier. Good to hear about that.
    I've wondered why Ukraine isn't bombing the huge convoy, out in the open, that is heading towards Kiev. Perhaps they want them strung out over miles in the open.
    Love the woman with the sunflower seeds.
    My spellcheck wants me to spell the city 'Kyiv'. I guess I should get used to the updated version.
    Love the woman with the sunflower seeds.

    1. The fact they aren't attacking it...tells me they want to let it fall into the trap I was talking about. They still have planes and forces out there...but nothing. Putin should remember if it's to good to be true...

    2. Military genius Sean Hannity has the answer.
      Sean Hannity proposes NATO fighter jets bomb Russian convoy “and then nobody takes credit for it, so then Putin won't know who to hit”

    3. wow that dumb ass racist fucktard would start WWIII


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