Truth Bomb by OVD : Ukraine war update, Decimation and morale

 Hey Everyone,

  So we are three weeks into the illegal invasion of Ukraine by Russia. The Ukrainians have put up a heroic defense wrecking the Russians all over the country. US estimates around 6000-7000 Dead Russians and 12,000-14,000 casualties. The Ukrainian estimated are around 14,000 dead and 28,000 casualties. Both estimates are huge. To put it into perspective the US lost less people in over 20 years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan and we "lost" both those wars. The morgues in Belarus are all full of Russian dead. 

  These numbers are close to what the Romans referred to as Decimated. The loss of 1 out of 10 men.

  In modern warfare decimation can cause units to cease to function or greatly reduce their effectiveness. This also has a huge effect on morale. Imagine 1 out of 10 of your co-workers dying and it's effect on you emotionally and at your job. Add that Russian doesn't have reinforcements or replacements to fill in the gaps. Also consider the Russian troops have bad supply issues and can't even feed their invasion force. 

  This doesn't make Russia's chances "winning" probable let alone possible. They have already started targeting civilians which has also got to be bad for morale. Especially as Ukrainians and the Russian people have close ties and similar cultures. It's like if the United States invaded Canada and we had to bomb Canadian civilians to try to win. American troops would not like that at all. So Russian morale must be super low. They were told they were here to "free" Ukraine and now know they are not only the evil aggressor but now killing civilians. 

  If Russia doesn't turn things around really soon...which I doubt...the Ukrainians have already started launching counter attacks to take advantage of this situation...I'd give their invasion 10 more days before it completely collapses and they are routed. I suspect Russia knows this too and will start taking negotiations much more seriously as the week progresses.  The other option for Russia is Chemical or Nuclear attack. But I think if Putin orders that it will end him as the Generals don't want WWIII either and will be forced to show Putin the view from "Da Vindow". Chemical attacks would be devastating to civilians and the pictures of thousands of dead civilians would enrage the world and even the Russian people. A tactical nuke would start all the NATO count downs, so I really don't think even Putin would try it. But desperate dictators do crazy shit when cornered.  Again I call on Biden to publicly say if Russia uses EITHER the US will respond with a No fly zone...which we all know means direct confrontation. This may not effect Putin's thought process but it will effect his Generals and Oligarchs. They will see the line and NOT want to cross it. Similar to JFK's Cuban missile crisis. If Biden doesn't I suspect when the Russians are routed we will see the Russians use Chemical attacks on the cities...within 10 days. Again I ask you to call your Reps and Senators and express how this must be done. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. Putin is now talking about purges. He doesn't seem to have many lines left that he will not cross. Not only were Russian troops told they were going to "free" Ukraine, but many were also told they were just going on training missions.
    If he starts using chemical weapons it may be hard for even the Republicans to say the US should stay out of the conflict. But he may just be crazy enough, or feel cornered enough, to do so. His generals may have to take action.

    1. Purges would get him killed...think about it. killing all your officers leaves only angry troops.

  2. 8 Treasonous Republicans showed their true colors today against stopping Putin. These Nazis like anything evil and publicly show it. WTF are they still in office?

  3. I wonder why many of them are still in office. They have shown their true colors over and over.

  4. Well the Russians are officially decimated. the US is now saying the Russians have lost more than 15,000 troops. That's 10% of their whole force.

    1. That's not including injured...just dead. So we are talking probably 30k injured.


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