Truth Bomb y OVD : A new Covid wave is hitting

 Hey Everyone,

  If you're reading my blog you're probably vaccinated and boosted but none the less, a new Covid wave has swept through Asia and even staunch countries like South Korea and New Zealand are taking a hit. China is shutting down cities and Europe is starting to get hit too. Well that wave is hitting America now. The new variant is called the Deltacron as it is a mix of the last 2 variants. So it spreads easy and kills at a much higher percentage. We are still losing 1500 Americans a day to the older variants so this will kill many. Please stay home and mask up if you are out. Your chances are much better if vaccinated but it's not full proof. The good news is this will wipe out massive amounts of the science denying anti-vaccers. Cleaning up our genepool(Darwinian laugh). I know everyone is tired of this shit but it's not done. The Spanish flu took three years also. The sad part is it will also devastate the poorer nations that are still lacking vaccines. The level of greed and racism it takes to be that evil is disgusting. But here we are...holding on to vaccines until they expire even though the anti-vaccers are not going to change their minds until they're breathing through a tube, instead of shipping them or licensing them to produce their own in the poorer nations. This is something to make a stink about on social media and with your Reps and Senators. If we can send bombs to Ukraine we can send vaccines to the world. And be hero's for doing it. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis



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