It's offical I'm screwed

 Het Everyone,

  So I just got a text from Jamie...she said her plans have changed and she's not moving in(Not an April fools joke). Literally on the 1st instead of...a week ago. So now I have to come up with $1000 in 4 days or go another month behind making it three...meaning I'll be evicted. In my current condition that means death. I don't know what to do. I'm in so much pain and the stress wasn't helping but now that stress is multiplied by a thousand. I did get some food from a friend today but can't eat. I have no hope left. I'm posting the link to my GoFundMe below but I don't expect any more help. I keep having to ask and even government programs like Swords to Plowshares haven't done shit. I guess they really want me dead.



  1. You know what...don't bother sending money to my GoFundMe. I'm done begging to prolong my miserable life.

    1. You shouldn't consider it begging. There are many people who are eager to help you without judgement. You deserve it for what you have sacrificed. I can help your immediate needs and many others want to help as well. Don't think of it as charity, think of it as humanity.

    2. Humanity would be this "civilization" actually taking care of me so I wouldn't need to beg and take resources from my friends. I appreciate your willingness to help...but it's still begging.


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