My newest Ad for my room to rent in Oakland CA

 Hey everyone,

  Here's a link to my latest ad for the room I need to rent. Please spread the word.




  1. I've had 4 Emails in response to the Ad...which is more than normal Day 1 but all seemed bat shit crazy. One had a Spanish phone number. Another responded like I was trying to hit on her in the Ad...yeah...stressing she was only interested in the room...yeah...never met her and she's acting like I'm a sexual predator that is stalking her...I didn't even respond...So I'm still looking.

  2. I don't think I could handle looking for a roommate. I might end up hurting someone.

    1. One of my last 5 shitty room mates busted into my room coming at me...I leveled him with a slap...he could get up for a few I explained how charging a Viking isn't a smart idea and he needed to move out...NOW.

    2. He was on drugs of course's still a really stupid move to attack someone like me...even on drugs.

    3. I'm sure you learned long ago that there are some seriously crazy people in the world. And some who are as dumb as a rock. The idea of having a stranger as a roommate is disturbing. It really sucks that you need one to get by.

    4. Yeah it does...I just had one text me 3 times at 6:30 am...asking questions answered in the Ad. I told them to learn to read and learn to respect others....and fuck off.

    5. I'd think by now someone would have set up some kind of agency to match people as roommates. Have some kind of screening procedure for compatibility, past records of reliability in paying their share on time and getting along with others. I don't know what it would cost but would save a lot of time and aggravation if such a service was available. I really don't know how people find roommates they don't want to toss out after the first week and can be relied on to pay their rent and clean up after themselves.


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