Otto Update Good news

 Hey Everyone,

  So Ryan, the new room mate started moving in today. So I'm much less stressed now. He's also a Veteran, He was a Medic in the Army Rangers. He was at Iraq II. So we're getting along like peaches and cream. Two other friends from out of town plan to visit soon. I am probably getting a new computer from a friend that builds them. He's one of the two out of town visitors and will be bringing it with him. Also FrogBat is a I'll be putting up a GoFundMe for that soon. And it will be built here at my place again. I'm excited. I won't be doing very much construction myself, due to my physical limitations, but It's still my baby. Art Hard my friends...Art Hard !!!

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. Sounds like a lot of good things happening. Take care.


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