Otto Update

 Hey Everyone,

  So it looks like I have a room mate. His name is Ryan and he's a burner. Of course after last time...I won't feel secure until money is in my hand and he's moved in. We hit it off so well he ended up hanging out for hours. So I'm pretty sure it'll all work out.

  The weather here has been going from 90 to 40 with rain every other day. So I'm not doing great pain wise but at least I have cookies now. Also another neighbor gave me some strong brownies too. So I'm hanging in there.

  My bank card expired this as I said in an earlier post I went to the bank only to have them tell me it's been mailed and I should have it by this week...a week later...still no card. So even though I have money...I have no way to buy food and my fridge is empty. My friend Margret ordered a Pizza for me and that got me through 2 days. I can probably get through the weekend without food but I'm already starving so if that card isn't here by Monday I have no idea of what to do except try and get cash out of the bank to go by food. And my ride guy is out of town...Le Sigh.

  Otherwise everything is normal. Bored and lonely. I have started talking to the FrogBat crew and checking lumber prices. The new FrogBat will be "The Russian Z swastika FrogBat" if we can raise enough funds to build and ship it.  

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. The bank should have sent the card with a tracking number. It will be great if the roommate works out.

    1. I dug through all the old mail today at the bottom of the stairs...very painful...but I found it and activated it.

  2. That's one thing off your mind.

    1. Even tested it...I had a friend do a smokes and soda run...she was in a hurry so she couldn't do groceries...this is fast...and tested the card. it works. :Phew. No more worrying about that. So when I do send someone for food shopping...we at least know the card works.


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