Otto Update...gettin' R' done

 Hey Everyone,

  There is so much going on I thought I should make another update. So Swords to Plowshares finally came through. They will pay off my rent including this month. Everything is turned in. My Landlords should get a check in the next day or two. Which is a huge relief. But I found out their long term assistance program is not even done by them. They turn over my paper work to another Veterans group. On top of that the "assistance" is only 30-50% of my rent(not bills). So not enough to keep me afloat. So finding a room mate is now a priority. I will post the new ad as soon as I get it up.
  Also I have a group of tech orientated Veterans coming over in the next 15 minutes to help file my claim online(they know how to navigate the broken web site the VA has). So my new claim should be in by the end of today. Once it's approved(which could take months/years), I won't need any more financial help and can start living like a regular person. I've been fighting for this for over 30 years now. 

  And lastly I discovered my Debit card has expired and the bank requires me to come in, to order a new one. They don't care that I'm disabled. I'm hoping the guys coming over can give me a ride to my bank to get that done or my money is not accessible and my bills could be declined as they were set up on that card. What a pain in the butt. My regular "ride guy" is out of town for two weeks and his van is one of the few vehicles I can get in and out of easier. I'm doing much better mentally but sure could use some visitors or calls to keep me connected. At least this blog is finally getting some folks reading it and interacting. That helps. Thanks to all that have helped and shown support. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis



  1. Well, some progress is good. It will be great if it leads to even more progress.
    I do hope you plan to have a few choice words with the people at the bank over their disregard for disabled customers. I doubt it will help any, but it's nice to bring attention to situations like that. In public, when other customers can see and hear. If it doesn't hurt too much to do so, maybe fall down in the lobby and scream over the pain. I may be petty but I enjoy embarrassing people who go out of their way to make things harder than they should be. Particularly for the disabled as my wife and I both have physical difficulties. Not service-related, but painful.
    I realize the people you will be interacting with are not the ones who set the policy but they are the ones you will have access to.

  2. Well...the Team(4) of active duty Army tech's couldn't navigate the VA website either so we will have to go to the VA, it's self around the 18th. F*cking frustrating. Also they did give me a ride to the bank...only to find out the bank has already sent me a new card. So I went through all that pain for nothing.

    1. It just makes you want to beat your head against a wall. Then you might knock yourself out and perhaps you won't go completely crazy.

    2. That's their plan...make us so miserable we don't try or we die.


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