Otto Update...good news

 Hey Everyone,

   Thanks for the show of support. I really appreciate it. Swords to Plowshares told me they will push to get my claim done soon. We'll see. I've decided to postpone my long walk and see how this goes. If I get evicted I'll take that walk as I can't survive on the streets in my condition anyway. If not I will continue to keep on keeping on. 

  For those new to my blog I've been banned from both Fascistbook and Twitler for speaking out against Nazis. On Facebook in a conversation about WWII II, I said "Nazis are bad" and was banned permanently. Yeah...Fascistbook supports Nazis and Nazism that much. So I won't be able to connect with you all on those platforms. A lot of you sent me you contact info on them so I'm letting you know. I can't and won't use those platforms. That's why I write this blog. To share what's going on with me and in the world. And you can comment on them just like those platforms. It's my last life line to people. I can't walk anymore so I can't really go out. So this blog is my only interaction with actual people. 

   My current plan is to continue to push Swords to Plowshares to do their job and hopefully avoid getting evicted. I will be putting up a new ad for the room. Hopefully I can find a room mate by next month. I will make a post when the Ad is up so you all can share it. There's nothing I can do about VA claims...they just aren't taking new ones and they said they were two years behind on the backlog of claims they currently have(they "lost my last 3 claims). If I ever get my new claim in (I have another one already filled out). I'm a sure bet to get a 100 rating(which they should have gave me last time) and at least financially I'll be secure. A 100 rating pays double what a 90 rating pays. Yeah that makes no sense but that's how Congress set it up to fuck us over. If you haven't figured it out yet Our government hates Veterans and their goal is to kill us off to save money. The term "Thank you for your service" has become an insult. It's what people that don't care say to feel better about themselves. We veterans use it as a joke/insult. So you lost both legs and have no money to live on...Thank you for your service. I've tried to get my Congress woman's help but she nor her staff have returned any of my calls or Emails. Like I said...they hate us Veterans. I'm also 100% service connected. 

   Now I may have changed my mind on the long walk but I'm still isolated and in extreme pain 24/7. Even if Swords comes through and I get my claim in eventually and it's approved I'm still here alone and need help with everything from food shopping to taking my garbage down. As I've right leg basically doesn't work anymore so walking is very difficult. I use a walker and it takes me 20 minutes and a lot of pain just to get down the stairs. The rest of me isn't much better. So please don't all bail because you think this is settled. Thanks.

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. Here is wishing you luck. I know the government sucks I hope things work out better for you.

  2. I just got a text from Swords to Plowshares. They found my Landlords paperwork and will cut a check in the next couple of days. Also I found some help with filing my VA Claim. Thanks for helping out everyone.

  3. This is great news, and I want to extend my thanks to those that reached out on Twitter to help our Brother.

    Please continue to read Otto's blog, he has been spot on with his analysis through this entire Ukraine situation/invasion/war, and I appreciate his insight to things I don't always see.


  4. Yay 🥳🥳🥳 wait, so I don't get to stab you in the neck now? Maria and Fatboy ❤

    1. You can still try...but Fatboy will warn me ;)

    2. Are you saying Fatboy likes you best?

    3. Not best but all cats love some Otto...he'd at least warn me

  5. Yes Bob. Fatboy would throw me over for Otto in a NY minute 🤣 Maria

    1. But I assume he'll allow you to live in his home even if Otto isn't around?

    2. Someone has to put nuggets in the bowl and open the doors.

    3. Opposable thumbs are useful.


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