Pictures of some of my Art installations

 Hey Everyone,

 So here's some pictures of my art around the world(when I could still walk). There are video's on YouTube and I stared in the movie "Spark: A Burning Man story" about my art installation "Burn Wall Street" at Burning Man. I also built the Man for them for 12 years. So there is more out there on the internet. this is just a taste. Enjoy.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. I looked at some of your work on youtube. It looks like you were very active with Burning Man for years. It really sucks that you can't create like you once could.

  2. All I can say is "Fucking Cool". You read my mind. I was just thinking yesterday that I wanted to see your work. Very awesome, and I haven't even gone to YouTube yet.

    1. Things to look up...
      FrogBat(many video's from different years)
      Burn Wall Street
      Hippie/Raver powered Lawn Chair
      Cow with Gun(New Zealand)
      Barely Man

    2. I missed Cow with Gun. I'll have to look for that one.

    3. I thought it might have been included in the ones you posted but I didn't figure out the one you referred to the first time through.

    4. For some reason, I was trying to see a cow in the one that mentioned kiwiburn and scrolled right past the cow.

    5. Is Barely Man the one on top of the pyramid? That one looks great with the sunset behind it.

    6. Barley Man is a Man sitting in a chair smoking a joint with a beer stein in the other hand...his arms worked. Fourth photo down. The Pyramid is the Actual Man and Man base of Burning Man 2003. I worked on both parts. It was huge.

    7. Looks like a huge amount of work.

    8. Yeah it was but look at was well worth the effort

    9. I imagine doing work like that gave you a great deal of satisfaction.


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