Truth Bomb bt OVD : Russian Flagship of the Black sea is sunk
Hey Everyone,
So the pride and the Flagship of the Russian Black Sea fleet. The heavy missile Cruiser "The Moskva" was hit by a Ukrainian made anti-ship missile this morning. The Russians evacuated the crew and started towing it to Sevastopol...and it sunk on the way there. The funniest part was the Russians claiming their own mistake sunk their that sounded This is a big loss for Russia both strategically and a big hit to Morale. Now the Russians have to hold back all their resupply will be very difficult for the Southern Russian Army group. They will also won't be able to shell cities like Odesa anymore. This is a huge victory for the Ukrainians forces.
Then I looked at the list of equipment the US is sending to Ukraine and my heart dropped. It's all crap...those worthless "Switch blades" old 1950's APC's , old Humvee's , body armor, helmets, 12 artillery pieces. So it look like America has no real interest in helping Ukraine. I guess our government is ok with Russia's genocide of Ukrainian Civilians...and are more interested in making money of this war than winning it. If I was Ukraine I'd send it back. It's insulting at best. We all need to call America and the west out on this evil bullshit.
-Otto Von Danger
SGT/USMC and Artist at Large
Semper Fidelis
It would be great if we'd send them some decent equipment. I don't know why we won't.
ReplyDeleteSimple...they want this to b e a prolonged PROXY war so they can 1) Test n ew weapons systems and 2) Make huge profits refilling "donated" weapons for new state of the art weapons. These Donated weapons being super old worthless T-72's and even more worthless BMP first model...the only things more worthless is Humvee's and old M-113 APC's...those old boxy looking things you see in 1960's movies that can't even stop a 7.62 Machine Gun round. They are gas guzzling, slow moving death traps...oh and that also happens to be what America is sending to Ukraine. Oh and 11 whole 155 mm Howitzers and old Soviet era Transport Helo's...worthless. So it looks like America picked Money over stopping Genocide. This is going to be a long war now.
DeleteAh, yes. Back to the Military Industrial Complex. They need wars. But unless we supply new weapons to someone who is actively engaged in a war they won't get field-tested in battlefield conditions. The MIC will only make money with our current policies if we and our allies send Ukraine older weapons then we sell those allies new ones. But that won't get them tested in battle. I've read that our allies are sending Ukraine some old Russian and Soviet era weapons and helicopters because that's what the Ukrainians are familiar with. But that stuff is nowhere near as effective as what they really need. The MIC could make a lot more money selling newer weapons, transports, missiles, MREs, helmets, etc. And some of our really effective equipment can be used with minimal training. (hey, even jarheads could be trained to operate some of it) Maybe we don't want to send "advisors" to Ukraine to provide training, but perhaps our allies would. Or Ukraine could hire independent contractors like what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq and they could train the Ukrainians on the weapons. Ukraine pilots can't fly our military aircraft, and there is no time at the moment to provide the cross-training they would need. But we stopped Poland from sending Ukraine some MiGs that the Ukrainian pilots already know how to fly. The idea was to send Poland F15s as replacements. Which are fantastic planes. I have no idea why this deal was not approved. And I would think our military industry would much rather provide newer, more expensive weapons and equipment directly to Ukraine.
DeleteI remember the M-113s. They couldn't stop a 7.62 because they were made of aluminum. I have no idea whose insane idea that was. Perhaps the guy who made changes to our original M-16s to save some money. The changes that caused them to jam. I remember hearing they tested the M-113s with sheep in them. The sheep died.
(On a side note, I saw where Bob told you I soon won't be able to do his typing for a while. It is quite painful for me to type now if I've been doing it a while but I believe the surgery will eventually fix that. Along with the weird numbness in my thumb and first three fingers. But the nerves have been impinged for such a long time I've been told it will be a while before they fully recover. 6 months has been mentioned for some cases. I've had previous surgery on the same hand and I am not looking forward to another. Take care of yourself and I hope the roommate thing gets sorted out.)
Thanks for all the typing